34. A curious human life

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------------------------------------------------------ Cas' POV ---------------------------------------------------

The life as a human doesn't affected me as much as I though it would, maybe its cause I spend so much time acting like a human in my dream that this life doesn't feel that unfamiliar, I can taste, I can feel and love, and even that my heart is breaking and the pain is almost unbearable I can feel without the tough of being wrong, I can be like the man I love.

"I believe that being strong doesn't mean being immortal nor having amazing powers, my belief is that the strength come from the capability of surviving in this world without all those things and still fight those who are greater than you. Sam and Dean are the strongest beings I've meet in my whole life, they fight supernatural beings just to save people they don't even know." I mumble to myself, my eyes full of water as I walked to a motel on Island Falls on Maine, I went as far as I could.

"I want a room for one please." I mumbled to the old lady behind the counter in the motel called Katahdin or something like that, she handed me a key and I payed three weeks in advance.

"To what name?" She asked me, I smiled.

"Castiel Novak" I replied and handed her the money.

"Enjoy your stay your room is number 8 its in the second building in the right." She uttered and went back to her magazine.

I went there and just laid in bed thinking that I should probably buy something to eat, I should buy clothes, food and a phone, I took my key, the money and then walked out of there.

"Ma'am? How can I get a cab around here?" I mumbled to the old lady again, she pointed at a phone.

"Call one." She said and I nodded.

The cab came 20 minutes later, I was impatient, he took me to the nearest mall and drop me there, I payed and tipped him like I used to do in my dream.

"Maybe being in that dream wasn't that bad after all." I uttered sadly I tend to speak to myself a lot, all the memories flashing in my mind the sorrow and loss made my heart break even more.

I walked into the supermarket and bought some fast food, I took three boxes of fast Macaroni and Cheese, I bought 2 boxes of mozzarella fingers to fry, two different boxes of cereal, a lot of milk and water, I bought bread, jam, mayonnaise and avocado because I really like to put avocado on my sandwiches, I took a lot of chips and soda bottles, some pre-cooked meats and got some ingredients to make an apple pie. I looked in the clothing section, I took 4 shirts, 6 boxers, 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of pants, some pyjama bottoms, a pair of sneakers, some socks, a sweater, a hoodie and other stuff that I could need like toothbrush, shampoo, toothpaste and more. I took a little cellphone and a chip for it.

This could be enough for now I went to pay and left the place, I need to start looking for jobs. I walked back to the motel realising its not far and the walk could do me good, I carried all my bags to the motel.

I got into my room and put all the stuff in the shelves of the little kitchen like I used to have them in my house, I took the meats, mozzarella fingers an other frozen things in the freezer.

"Maybe this is my new start." I mumbled laying in bed and falling asleep.

----------------------------------------------------- Dean's POV -------------------------------------------------------

"Where did he go? You have any clue?" I asked Sammy concerned, where did that stupid guy go? He doesn't know anything about being a normal human being, how is he going to cope with life?

"No Dean, I just found his car in the airport parking lot, Im hacking the airport network to found out where did he go but at the moment I have nothing." He uttered frustrated, I sighed and took his computer away and started typing. "Hey! What are you doing?" He whined, I gave him back his computer.

"I already hacked it now tell me where he is." I said angry, why is he such an idiot?

"Dean, maybe he doesn't want to see us, maybe he is moving on from this life." Sammy mumbled sad.

"What? Why? He can't feel anyway!" I growled, Sam looked at me offended.

"Excuse me? He can't feel? What is wrong with you!?! HE GAVE HIS LIFE FOR YOU ALOT OF TIMES, HE SOLD HIS GRACE FOR YOU, HE CAME BACK FOR YOU EVEN IF HE HAD A BEAUTIFUL LIFE IN THAT DREAM, HE CAME BACK KNOWING THAT THIS REALITY WAS GOING TO KILL HIM AND THEN HE LEFT WITHOUT MENTIONING ANY OF THIS AND YOU SAY HE CANT FEEL ANYTHING?" Sammy was screaming now, his face red, he looked back at the computer typed somethings and stood up. "Im going to find him, he is family and I don't understand when you stopped realising that." He said and left the place.

"What do you mean about great life?" I whispered to myself, Crowley came walking out of nowhere.

"What's up squirrel? Wings got your tongue?" He mocked me and laughed, I looked at him bitterly.

"I dont understand what's happening! I don't know what great life he had on that dream, I don't understand any of this!" I mumbled defeated, Crowley smirked.

"You indeed are stupid squirrel, he clearly loves you, he is in love with you, he always have been but you don't notice him, you don't feel the same and that's killing him and more now that he is human." He said moving his hands. "Rumours say that he dreamed about a domestic life with you." He added and walked away. "Goodbye squirrel and please realise what you feel too before its too late." He added and disappeared.

********************************************** Author's Note **********************************************

GUYYYYS IM DYING I GOT A GISHCOLARSHIPPPPP AND IM SK HAPPY I CANT COPE WITH MY LIFE! This is dedicated to that and the person who gave it to me summer.scott18





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