18. Date

149 10 7

-------------------------- Cas' POV --------------------------

Dean asked me on a date the day he got out, he said it would be best if it was Friday. it's Friday night and it's an hour before Dean comes and get me, I already took a shower and I was getting into my black suit, with a white T-shirt and a baby blue tie, it was a little chilly so on top of that I was going to use a trench coat.

I wasted half hour trying to style my hair but it still looked like sex hair so I decided to surrender and move on, I sprayed some perfume in me, and brushed my teeth, as I finished I heard my doorbell, I had still 15 minutes left so I guessed it must be Charlie, I ran downstairs and opened the door to my best friend.

"Wow Cassie! You look hot!" She yelled and hugged me. "ANd YOU SMELL NICE." she sniffed me and I chuckled.

"I'm so nervous! Charlie!!! What if I ruin everything? What if I fall and die?" I gasped. "WHAT IF DEAN STOPS LIKING ME?" I started hyperventilating and she slapped me.

"Stop it! Now you listen to me! You'll go out there and risk it! Hermaine would do that so you'll too!" She said muffling my hair and patting me in the shoulder. "And of course he'll still like you!" She whispered in my ear and slapped my butt.

We talked for the resting time, she told me to relax and be myself, I heard the door bell and I almost fell from my sit, she pushed me to the door and hided in the kitchen. I opened the door to a suited Dean, he was using a green bow tie and a black suit, he checked me out and smiled widely.

"You look amazing Cas!" He mumbled and handed me a single red rose, I looked at him with wide eyes, I kissed his cheek and smelled the flower.

"We are such a cliché." Dean joked, he pulled me to him and hugged me. "You take my breath away Cassie." He whispered in my ear and his lips left a light kiss in my cheek. "Are you ready?" He said handing me his arm to take, he opened the car door and smiled at me all the time, he looked genuinely happy, his stereo was playing All out of love and I remembered.

"You remember you told me when you woke up that you hummed this song when you were on a coma?" I blurted out, he looked at me confused and looked at the street again, even if he drives fast he does know how to and he is really pre cautious about it.

"Mhhm?" He mumbled. I looked at him, the street lights have him a god like look, his sandy hair was short in the sides but a little longer on the top, a strand of hair fell in his face.

"You hummed to me, I heard you." I babbled too distracted staring at him to care, his eyebrows shot up. "That was the first sign of life you gave." I looked down and smiled lightly. "Now I feel like this song is my miracle, that you are my miracle." He smiled as I moved the strand of hair from his eyes.

"You are so cheesy I might melt." He answered and looked at me a second before looking to the street again but not before sending me a kiss. We went to a very fancy restaurant, Dean had a reservation in the garden part, it was beautiful, it was a terrace, with flower arcs, it smelled amazing, at the background there was live music, a light classic music making it more romantic.

"Dean! This is beautiful!" I said open mouthed. "But isn't this place very expensive? I don't want you to waste your money in me." His laugh filled my ears.

"Cas, I have money." He said pulling my chair for me to sit, I sat still fazed by the view, the place was lighted by candles, it gave the place a dreamy kind of look, Dean sat in front of me as a young woman came and poured us two glasses of champagne with a strawberry inside in each.

"Thank you." Dean said to the girl but never stopped looking at me, his elbows were on the table carrying his hands supporting his head, he was staring at me with a smile on his face.

The girl nodded and left, I took the menu she left for us and looked at the names "Fetuchini Alfredo" it was spaghetti with some kind of cream sauce. The girl came back with a little notepad and took our orders.

"I want a lasagna and for him the Fetuchini Alfredo." The girl looked at me for acceptance and I nodded, she writhe our orders and left.

"How did you know?" I said confused, he giggled and looked down.

"I saw you say that to yourself." His cheeks reddening.

I smiled and looked at him, we stayed silent for a while, enjoying our companies and this comfortable silence, his eyes never left my face, he looked excited and nervous.

"I want to know about you Cas." He mumbled, I looked at his eyes and he was truthful.

"My family was a disaster, when I was 10 my dad left all of us on our own, we where 4 kids, my mom died when I was 3, she had heart dysfunction, she used to have this horrible headaches but one day she got worse, the pill she took wasn't enough so we called her doctor, he told us to give her this pill for the headaches but I don't know if he forgot or he didn't know but her heart medicine wasn't supposed to get mixed with the pill we gave her, we never saw that doctor again, he left the town and never contacted us again, my dad took care of us but he was lost without her, he started gambling and drinking, he never hit or hurt us but he used to cry a lot, one day he went to the casino and never came back, my brother Michael was the oldest, he started working to maintain the family, he is owner of a big ecological company, but the house started to become a mess, my brothers got out of control, Lucifer left and he actually was your doctor, he didn't recognize me because he left a year after dad, I never saw him again, my brother Gabriel started tricking people, he does this sick jokes and pranks, Balthazar started drinking and sleeping around and Michael got so dumbfounded by money and fame he didn't notice any of us." As I told Dean I could feel his hand holding mine, his thumb caressing my skin soothingly, his eyes looked at me with worry and pain. "I'm fine tho, Gabe is 2 years older but he took care of me." I smiled at him and shook away the tears forming in my eyes, he pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.

"I'm so sorry you went through that and I wish I could make all of that go away but right now all I can and will do is hold you and hug you." his eyes were truthful, his face was calm and the corner of his mouth were slightly lifted. I couldn't believe the luck I have because this amazing man was in love with me, just Castiel.

All I could say was. "I'm the happiest man alive."

**************************** Authors Note ****************************

So here's another chapter I hope you like it because I did, now we get to know about Cas' backgrounds and all.

I enjoy reading your comments so please do.

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Love Fer!

Btw I feel like Sammy in the picture after writing all this sad parts. :(

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