A/n: double update because I'm a nice person! Love you guys!
We were having a small sleep over at Ashton's house. There weren't that many of us. Just the boys, me and Calum's girlfriend, Tracie. I was best friends with both Ashton and Luke, and I always talked to Luke about one thing. That thing was Ashton. I liked Ashton. A lot, but I never found the courage to tell him.
I was currently sitting on the couch between the two. The popcorn was in my lap as we watched the conjuring. I hated horror movies, and eventually I had to pass the popcorn over so I could curl into a ball and cower from the movie. I was leaning into Ashton. He didn't move, per say, but he seemed to stiffen.
Luke stood to get a drink.
"Hey, Luke can you bring me a water," I asked.
"Sure thing, hun," he said.
"Thanks, love." Ashton shifted from me a little. I took the hint and just sat up. Luke came back and reclaimed his seat next to me. He gave me the water bottle I asked for and I smiled at him as a thank you.
Ashton was acting weird. He normally let me snuggle into him. I wonder what made tonight different. I assumed it was because I got cuddly with him. Which as I just mentioned, was never a problem. So I just decided to be a little distant.
I stood up and walked down the hall. I sat at the end where nobody could see me. I was only there for about five minutes before Tracie found me.
"Are you alright," she asked.
"Yes. No. Ashton is being weird."
"Do you have any idea why?"
"Not a clue. I can't think of anything I did or said to upset him."
"Do you want me to go talk to him?"
"No, its fine. I'll just stay here until everyone decides to go to bed."
"Alright. Well, call if you need me."
I nodded and sat where I was. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't make a sound. Maybe my worst fear was coming true. Ashton didn't like me back. Better yet, he was acting like I was absolutely revolting to him. He never passed up a moment to snuggle. About ten minutes later, I heard footsteps down the hall. A tall figure appeared. It was dark so I couldn't quite make out who it was. Then a familiar voice rang out. "(y/n)?" Ashton. I quickly wiped the tears away so he couldn't see.
"Yeah," I said softly. Ashton sat down next to me, our shoulders touching.
"You okay? I saw you disappear down here a while ago."
"Yeah. I'm fine. The movie was just a little much for me," I lied.
"Don't lie to me, (y/n). What's going on?"
"Nothing. Honestly, it doesn't matter."
"Of course it matters." I just shook my head and looked into my lap. "Is it Luke?"
"What," I asked confused.
"Did Luke do something? You can tell me, (y/n)."
"No, its not Luke at all. Why on Earth would you think that?"
"Because you like him."
"What the... no I don't Ashton."
"You're always talking to him though. And laughing and being cute."
"I laugh because he's stupid. And I really don't try to be cute around anyone. And I'm always talking to him because I'm talking about you."
"About me?"
I looked into his hazel eyes, then I did it. I kissed him. I kissed Ashton Irwin. Slowly, passionately, and lovingly. I pulled out of the kiss and said, "I love you, Irwin. I have for a long ass time. But I never found the courage to tell you. The more time we spent together, and closer we got, the more I started to see what an amazing guy you are. I love everything you do. I love how you laugh, and I love how your eyes spark when you see something you like. I love how you hit those drums, and how sweaty you get when you do. I'll admit. I think its pretty hot. And I love how you and I could talk for hours on end and never run out of things to say. We have always been so close and open with each other about most things. And when you shifted away from me on the couch... I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. So I got up and sat down here and just kinda pondered on everything and if I should tell you and-" I was cut off my his lips on mine. He kissed me just like I kissed him, only this was ten times better.
He pulled away and said, "I love you too."
"I'm so sorry if I made you think that I liked Luke."
"It's okay. Misunderstandings happen. We sorted it out didn't we?" I smiled and nodded. "Let's go back out there before they start saying crap," he giggled.
"Umm... You can. I"m fine right here..." I said, not wanting to finish the movie.
"Are you really that scared?"
"I'm not scared, exactly. I know its not real, but they give me nightmares sometimes."
Ashton gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "Then you and I will go to bed. I don't want you having nightmares. Those can really fuck someone up." He kissed me forehead. He stood, then helped me up. "I promise my bed is comfortable."
I laughed lightly and said, "I'll take your word for it."
We went into his room, crawled under the blankets of his bed and fell into a deep sleep.

5SOS Imagines vol. 2
Fanfictionsecond booklet for my imagines because the first one said i had too many parts lol enjoy!