He Teaches You How To Kiss-Blurb(4/4)

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ASHTON: "Hey, (y/n). Why aren't you-" Ashton started as he walked through the door to my apartment. I assumed he stopped speaking because he saw me sitting on the couch and staring at a blank TV screen. "(y/n), what's wrong?"

"Do you remember that guy I told you I liked? The one at school?"

"Yeah. Jason, right?"

"Yeah, well we were hanging out after class today and... and he kissed me."

"So? That's great isn't it?"

"Well, yeah... except for the fact that that was my first kiss and that I don't have the slightest clue on how to kiss. He like... he didn't judge me but he looked at me with a look of disgust almost."

"Your first kiss? (y/n), why didn't you ever tell me you hadn't been kissed?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It never came up." I looked at him as his hazel eyes bore into mine. "Will you teach me?"

"Teach you how to kiss?"

"Yeah..." Ashton scooted closer to me, his face only centimeters from mine. Then his lips were on mine. Soft, warm, and perfect.

"Just try to move your lips in sync with mine," he said when he pulled away. "And don't worry if you feel like you're not good enough. Some things take time." His lips found mine again and I moved mine with his. It was magical, and suddenly I felt like Jason was irrelevant. Ashton bit my lip gently as he pulled away. "How's that?" I just stared at his eyes, biting my lip. "What?" he asked.

"I don't think I ever really liked Jason. He was just a distraction to keep my mind off of what I thought couldn't be."

Ashton smiled, kissed me again passionately, and then pulled me into his arms.

CALUM: "Calum! Come down here!" I shouted at my roommate and best friend from the living room. I saw him rush down the stairs.

"What? What is it?"

"I need you to teach me how to kiss."


"You heard me."

"Okay, but why?"

"Charlie is supposedly going to ask me out on Friday and I've never kissed a boy before so..."

"Alright. Come here." I walked over to Calum. I watched as he stared at me, his hands coming up to cup my face. His lips found mine and they were everything I had hoped them to be. I've always liked Calum, but I never found the courage to tell him. He moved his lips, but mine stayed still because I had no idea what to do. Then I heard him murmur, "Do something."

"Like what," I murmured back.

"Move your lips with mine." I did as told and it was possibly the best experience ever. He pulled away way too soon and looked at me. "What?"

"I don't want Charlie to ask me out anymore."

Calum laughed and continued to kiss me.

LUKE: "Hey, Luke. I have a problem."

"What's that?"

"I don't know how to kiss."



"And I'm assuming me your're asking if I can teach you?"

"Yeah..." I said. This was all a lie. But its what I had to do to get the boy I loved to kiss me.

"Alright. So, basically, just tilt your head the opposite way I tilt mine. And try to follow my lead, okay?" I nodded. Luke soon attached his lips to mine and after about ten seconds of making it look like I had no idea what I was doing, I plunged my tongue into his mouth. I had no doubt his eyes shot open, but I continued what I was doing. Luke responded quickly, trying to fight me for the dominance. Once he won that over, he bit my lip and pulled away. "What the hell was that?"

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I said innocently.

"You hustled me, didn't you?"


"What the hell, (y/n)."

"Sorry. I just really wanted to kiss you."

"Well you are lucky. Because I really wanted to kiss you too," he said and attached his lips to mine.

MICHAEL: "What's up, buttercup," Michael said as he sat down next to me.

"Nothing really," I said as I searched the internet.

"What are you looking at," he asked and took the laptop from me.

"Hey, give it back!"

Michael looked at the screen and his jaw dropped. "You don't know how to kiss?"

"No, I don't. Now can you give me my laptop back so I can go back to being the loser that I am?"

"You've never been kissed before?"

"No, Michael. I haven't. Now please give it back."

"Let me teach you."


"Let me teach you how to kiss."

"You'd do that?"

"Yes." He said and next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I did my best to move my lips with his. His lips were soft, warm, and plump. He pulled away and said, "Not bad for a rookie."

I laughed and said, "It feels good," I smiled. "How often do we have to do this until I'm good."

"I'd say everyday," he smirked. "You know, I want to do a lot more than just teach you how to kiss."

"Y-you do?" I asked nervously.

"Yes." He said. "(y/n), will you go on a date with me?"

I smiled and said, "absolutely." Michael smiled back and proceeded to kiss me.

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