A/n: hey guys! Sorry I didn't update Monday. I had part of the imagine written but then I remembered I had midterms to study for. Then I got sick. I had an in class essay I missed today because I slept through my alarm. Anyway, here it is! Hope you guys like it! I love you all lots!!!
-Jessi <3YOUR POV
"(y/n)," Luke said, sounding almost desperate. "Why do I feel like you're being extremely distant?"
Probably because I am, I wanted to tell him. But at the same time, I didn't know how. So I simply said, "Because you're too over protective."
"If I'm over protective its for a good reason," he stated. I didn't respond. "(y/n)," he took a step forward and I took a step back.
"I can't do this right now, Luke. I have to go to class. I'll call you on my lunch break," I said and kissed his cheek. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
I tell Luke everything, but this one thing in particular was a lot harder to tell. It's a painful story and its unbearable to even think about. Telling your boyfriend that you had been sexually assaulted is not an easy thing to do. It is a very touchy subject. If it was easy enough to just come out and say it, then I would. But I can't. I wanted him to know. I just don't know how to tell him.
And it wasn't just Luke. I hadn't told anybody. Well, except my journal. But nobody reads that but me. My drive to school consisted of the thoughts from that night running through my head. I parked the car and went to class. It took me about ten minutes to walk from the parking lot to my sociology class. Then come to find a note on the door to the class room. Class was cancelled.
"Great," I mumbled. I pulled out a pen and wrote my name on the paper. I sighed and headed back to my car. I pulled into the drive way of my house that I shared with Luke. Once I walked through the door I called out, "Hey, babe! Class got cancelled so I'm home for the day." I got no answer. I knew he was home because his car was parked outside. "Luke?" I said as I walked up the stairs. The door to the bedroom was cracked open. I peered through and saw Luke sitting on the bed reading a book. It had a pink and purple cover with butterflies and...wait. It was my journal. I opened the door. "Luke! What the hell! That's private!" I tackled him and tried to grabbed it but failed miserably. He eventually closed it and put it down. I stood up and stared at him. "Why? Why the fuck would you read my journal?"
"Because you wouldn't talk to me and I knew something was going on. And I knew you wrote in this journal everyday." He looked at me intently and I knew he had read what I had been writing about for the past week. He knew what happened to me. Tears started to brim in my eyes. "(y/n), why wouldn't you tell me?" His voice was soft. I just shook my head and turned away. I couldn't talk about it. Not yet. I rushed down the stairs and tried to make a break for the front door, but Luke caught me. He stepped in front of me and grabbed me, pulling me into his chest. I didn't try to fight it. I just let myself sink into his hold and sobbed. "Shh. You're okay, baby girl. I've got you."
Luke walked us over to the couch where he sat us down. He held me as I calmed down. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head. "What's the point? You already read everything."
"Not everything... But most of it," he paused. "Why wouldn't you tell me, princess?"
"It was just so traumatizing and I thought that if I didn't talk about it, it would go away like a terrible dream."
"Baby, some things can't be fixed by not talking about them. Things like this need to be talked about. Events like this can't just be forgotten."
"I know, I know. I just... I thought I'd give it a try..."
"You coped with it the way you thought would be the best, but not everything can be solved by bottling it up. I know you're not ready to talk about it. But I am here when you are and I want you to know that I would never ever even think about making you do something you weren't comfortable with."
I just nodded against his chest. "I love you, Luke."
"I love you too, baby." He said and kissed the top of my head. "Hey, since you're home for the day, you want to turn it into a lazy movie day?"
"Oh that sounds nice," I said and reached for the remote. We turned on netflix and did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.

5SOS Imagines vol. 2
Fanfictionsecond booklet for my imagines because the first one said i had too many parts lol enjoy!