a/n: this is a personal imagine for @cloudedlucas and I really hope you enjoy it. love you babe <3
I was sitting quietly at the dining table, four different books opened in front of me. I had finals to be prepared for and I couldn't waste a minute of precious study time. It was late at night and I was getting super tired. My ginger hair was a mess, and I wouldn't doubt that my eyes were just as red as my hair.
Just as I turned a page, I heard a groan come from the lounge room. I rolled my eyes knowing it had to be Luke considering there was no one else in the house. I ignored him and turned back to my books.
"Casey," I heard him shout. I didn't respond. Maybe if I act like I'm not here, he'll leave me alone. "Casey!" I heard footsteps walk into the dining room. "You're still studying?"
"Yes, Luke."
"Take a break. Come to bed with me," he said. He stood behind my chair, moved my hair away from my neck and started placing gentle kisses on my skin.
"I can't, babe. I have to study. Do you not understand how important these classes are?"
"I do, but sleep is even more important when you're in school. If you don't have enough sleep, you'll fail harder."
"I can't, Luke."
"Please," he said. I looked up to see him sticking his bottom lip out. He was pouting. Wow.
"Very mature, Hemmings."
"Casey, c'mon. You've been studying for like six hours. You hardly acknowledged my existence today."
I looked into his blue eyes and said, "Fine. But you are giving me a massage when we get in the bedroom."
"Deal." Luke picked me up from the chair and carried me up the stairs to our bedroom. He set me on the floor so I could change. I left my top off so he could massage my back easily. I laid face first on the bed and waited. Once he started massaging my muscles, I relaxed completely. I really needed this.
When he finished, I put my shirt on and got under the blankets. Luke immediately pulled me into his body and held me close. He kissed my forehead. I didn't realize how tired I was until he gave me the massage.
"You're tired. I told you," he giggled.
"Be quiet if you want to live," I joked.
"You're too adorable."
"I know," I said and looked up at him. He smiled and kissed my lips softly. The chill of his lip ring felt amazing.
"This is nice," he said. "See? Pouting does get me somewhere."
"It will only work this one time. I really need to study tomorrow, Luke."
"Alright, alright. How about I leave you be all day if I get to take you out for breakfast in the morning. You get to have a nice meal to prepare you for studying, and you get to spend time with me. Either way you win."
"You're so cheeky," I laughed. "Okay. Its a date."
"Good. I love you so much, Casey."
"I love you more, Lukey."
He gave me one last kiss before we both drifted off to sleep.

5SOS Imagines vol. 2
Fanficsecond booklet for my imagines because the first one said i had too many parts lol enjoy!