Telling Him Your Pregnant-CH

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I sat, impatiently waiting for Calum to get home. I decided today was the day to tell him. I found out about two weeks ago that I was pregnant. I am eight weeks along in the pregnancy. I've been to the doctor once so far and everything is perfect.

I heard the door open and I watched as Calum walked in. He set his bag down on the floor by the door and made his way to the couch where he sat down next to me.

"Hey, honey," I said. "How was your day?"

"A little stressful," he sighed. "Michael is sick, so he couldn't record his vocals today. We got everything else done, but we have to go back in three days to fix the harmonies."

"I'm sorry," I said. "You guys will get it done. You're the hardest working guys I know."

"Thanks, baby," he said and kissed my lips softly. "How about you? How was your day?"

"Semi-productive," I chuckled. "I did some laundry and cleaned the kitchen, but that was about it. I washed a pair of your jeans, but there was a rip in the crotch area... Were you stage diving again?"

"It's possible," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at him. "Might want to be more careful. Don't want to strain your groin. We all know that area works miracles." Calum smirked again, leaning in and kissing me passionately. I pulled away slightly, muttering against his lips, "Speaking of miracles..."

He looked me in the eyes, "Yes?"

"I'm pregnant."

Calum stared at me, blinking a couple times before he spoke. "Are you serious? You're not joking with me are you?"

"Not at all," I said.

"You're actually pregnant? There's a tiny human being growing in your stomach as we speak?"

"Yes," I smiled softly.

"Is it mine," he asked and I smacked his arm.

"Calum Hood!"

"I'm joking, I'm joking," he laughed. His smile grew bigger and bigger as the reality of my news set in. "This is amazing, (y/n). We are going to have a baby."

"Yeah, we are," I smiled bigger as well. Then I remembered the pictures I had. "Wait here," I said and ran up to our room to retrieve the ultrasound pictures I had hidden away in our closet. I came back and sat back down next to Calum. "I went to the doctor once just to make sure I wasn't going crazy. These are the pictures from the ultrasound." He took the pictures and studied them. I pointed to a small spot on the paper. "You see that tiny bean looking thing? That's our baby."

Calum smiled. "When do we find out the gender?"

"Not for another couple of months. The baby is no bigger than a grape right now."

Calum looked back down at the picture. "This is actually happening. We are going to be parents."

"Yes," I smiled. My smile slowly faded. "I'm a little scared, Cal. We are young... and you have the band you have to worry about-"

"Don't stress over that. We are going to be excellent parents." He kissed me sweetly. "And I'm off tomorrow, and we don't have to be anywhere, so we will spend the day doing research. Sound good?"

"Yep. Feels good, too," I smirked.

"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

"Hey, you walked yourself right into that one. God, I really hope our child has my sense of humor." Calum shook his head and laughed, as well as I. "My next doctor's appointment is in three weeks. I'd love it if you could come."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," he smiled. "Are you hungry? You want to order in?"

"Absolutely." I said. Calum grabbed menus from take out places we like and we ended up ordering a feast of pizza.

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