"Why won't you tell me, Danie," I said into the phone.
"Because I don't want you to know who he is. And its not just you. I'm not telling anybody."
"If you cannot tell anyone who you like, then whats the point in asking him out?"
"You're impossible, (y/n)," she said.
"No I am not. You are just stupid and dishonest. You know, I don't even care that you won't tell me who he is. What pisses me off even more is the fact that you didn't tell me you liked somebody in the first place. Like, it really isn't that hard to say 'I am kinda talking to this guy I like' and when I ask who he is you politely say 'I'm not too comfortable telling who he is just yet, but you will know when the time comes'. Like is he that bad of a person you cannot tell the one person you know will never ever tell anyone else. I told you my darkest secret. I've always been honest with you. Why couldn't have done this one simple task?"
"It's not an easy topic for me to talk about," she said plainly.
"Oh that is gold, Danie! Since when is telling me you have a crush, harder than me telling you I was raped? Huh? Give me a logical explanation for that." She was silent. "You're unbelievable. I don't know why I try with you sometimes-" I stopped talking because I heard Michael walk into the room. I didn't know he was home. And I didn't know if he heard anything I just told Danie. "Danie, I have to go. Michael's home. Bye."
I hung up and turned to look at Michael. "Hey, babe. How was the recording session?"
"It was successful," he said. His voice was very monotone, very little emotion. "Except Luke was very moody today. Like he was on his period or something."
I laughed and said, "Well I heard him and his girl haven't been getting along, so maybe they had a fight that put him in a bad mood."
"Yeah. Speaking of fights, I heard you arguing with Danie. Is everything all right?"
"Oh. You heard that?"
"Yes, I did."
"How much exactly..." I never mentioned to Michael about being raped. The only other person I ever told was Danie. And I didn't know how Michael would react. I guess now I will find out. Because as soon as I asked that question he responded.
"All of it." He sat next to me and looked at me. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"It wasn't something I liked talking about," I mentioned.
"When? Where? Who?"
"Slow down, Mikey. I'll tell you. It might just take a few for me to gather words..."
Michael placed his hand on my thigh, "Take your time, Sweetie."
I took a deep breath and said, "So it happened a little over year ago, a month before we bought the apartment. I had no idea who he was, but I remembered his face from school. I was walking out of the library, and it just happened so fast. He dragged me to his house and well you can guess what happened. Thankfully he only touched me in certain places rather than actually... yeah. His mom got home before he could do much else. He basically shoved me out his back door while I was still half naked. I slipped my clothes back on and ran home."
"(y/n), I am so sorry. I really wish you had told me. I've always thought you were a little more shy than normal, but I thought maybe that's just how you were at night. We had never lived with each other before, so I thought maybe that was just how you were. Now I know I was wrong."
"I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry if I stopped showing you affection. That wasn't my intention. It's just, that moment and that memory is always on my mind."
"No, sweetheart. You don't need to apologize. You need to know that I will never do anything you don't want to do. I will never push you to do something you are not comfortable with. I don't want you to be afraid to get intimate with me. Okay?"
"I love you, Mikey. I'm sorry I've gotten so nervous around you. I know you'll never hurt me. Its just one of those reactions."
"I understand, babygirl. Come here," he said. I scooted over on the couch and laid in his arms. "I love you so much, (y/n). Please don't ever forget that."
"I won't. I love you too." Michael held me on the couch, and just before I could fall asleep, he woke me up to make dinner with him.
5SOS Imagines vol. 2
Fanficsecond booklet for my imagines because the first one said i had too many parts lol enjoy!