Sophie POV

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Sophie had found herself in a moment of uncertainty, her world engulfed by a chaotic whirlwind of thoughts and unanswerable questions. Her friends also had confusion plastered over their faces.

Just moments ago, Sophie's fury had surged through her, an uncontrollable outburst of power that was both a gift and a curse, a unique ability granted by her altered genetics. Her ability as an inflictor, allowed her to cause intense amounts of pain, The world had trembled in front of her unleashed power, her powerful emotions wreaking havoc and pain in the glass dome.

Then, as abruptly as it began, everything came to a standstill. Sophie's simmering anger retreated to its hiding place beneath her ribs, leaving her weak and disoriented. Keefe hung suspended in mid air, his face frozen with fear. Fitz stood with Sandor's sword now uselessly dangling by his side. Maruca's lightning blue forcefield uselessly flickered out to nothing. The flames that had been called upon by Marella, wavered and finally rested to nothing more than embers and ash.

The lingering silence felt like a heavy blanket, pressing down harder and harder. Fitz was the first to break the awkward silence. "Who are you?" The fragile figure before them, Elysian, her confidence unshaken, by Fitz's harsh tone. She countered Fitz's question with an ominous response, "Wouldn't you like to know......."

Sophie's curiosity overcame her initial shock, and she couldn't help but ask, "How did you do that?" She directed her question at Elysian, hoping that speaking up wasn't a mistake. With a strong sense of purpose, Elysian took slow and deliberate steps toward Sophie, like Grady and Edaline do when trying to tame a wild animal.

With a flick of her fingers, Elysian raised them to her temples, a frighteningly familiar gesture that sent shivers down Sophie's spine. Before she could even begin to guess what was happening, she only got halfway in saying, "Maruca! The forcef-", her body suddenly jerked forcefully to the right. "No, No, No, we won't have any of that now will we?" taunted Elysain. It was as if her body had a mind of its own. "SOPHIE!" screamed Keefe from somewhere to the right. Then, her body was propelled into the air, manipulated like a puppet on invisible strings.

Elysian's calculated and somewhat unexpected motion led to Sophie's back being pressed hard against the cold glass dome.

"SOPHIE!" Fitz shouted, from somewhere far below her, which she didn't want to think about. "Well, Well, Well" mocked Elysian. "I didn't think it would ever come to this Moonlark, but Moonlark to Moonlark, our world is crumbling before us." Elysian paused for dramatic effect. Or what Sophie assumed was that it was hard reading someone who doesn't display emotions. "I realised this many millenniums ago. And I can assure you. I'll do whatever it takes to eliminate another threat"

"Wait! No! You don't understand, we're not the thre-" But before Sophie could finish, another quick flick of Elysian's fingers sent Sophie colliding with the glass dome, a resounding impact that sent the fragile barrier shattering into countless fragments. Sending Sophie flying far far into the wild, untamed world of Elysian.

The force of the collision was so loud and immense that it tore through the surroundings, shaking the very earth beneath her.

During the chaos, as the glass shards rained down like knives, "Very good Elysian!" echoed Lady Gisela's emotionless, flat voice, the last thing Sophie heard as she plummeted head-first into the unknown.

Then, as the shards settled and the last echoes of the shattering glass faded, darkness engulfed everything, leaving Sophie and her friends in an unsettling state of unknown.

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