Sophie POV

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Sophie slowly awoke from her sleepy slumber, "Noooo..... not now Gradyyy. I'm sleeeppinggg" she mumbled in a sleep induced fog. Her senses and memories of the previous day slowly started coming back to her, the golden, peach rays of the morning sun bathed her face. She quickly glanced around, relief washing over her as she found no trace of her mysterious pursuers. Sophie had taken her beauty rest on a gentle hill that overlooked a sprawling valley, where one of the three winding rivers meandered through the landscape. She marvelled at the untouched beauty of Elysian, a tranquil landscape under different circumstances. The peaceful sunrise could have been a moment to savour, but today, her goal was set on reuniting with her friends.

As she stood, a newfound energy coursed through her veins, her muscles feeling less strained than before. Sophie assessed her surroundings, the breathtaking scenery reminding her of the wonders of Elysian. Her thoughts, however, quickly returned to the task at hand. "What to do... What to do," she mused, pondering her next steps. A brilliant idea emerged, she imagined Keefe's voice in her head, what would he do? "Well... Well, Foster," she mimicked Keefe's deep voice, "you probably missed something really obvious!" she looked around like she was trying to see what Keefe was explaining, "Like, if you're so lost, follow the river or something, Cmon Foster!"

Suddenly, it clicked. She slapped herself on the forehead for not thinking of it sooner. All five rivers in Elysian connect in the centre of the dome! If she followed one, it would eventually lead her back to the dome and, hopefully, to her friends. even though she tried to contain it, Sophie's excitement bubbled over. She made her way down the hillside, a bit less gracefully than she had hoped for.

Once she reached the valley floor with a rather interesting landing, Sophie began running alongside the river. However, she quickly realised that conserving her energy was a smarter choice. Her laughter was filled with giddiness, the opportunity of returning home brightening her spirits. Little did she know that her relentless stalkers were not about to give up so easily.

As she made her way along the rough riverbank, Sophie's heart pounded in her chest, her focus on the path ahead. Sudden movement sent goosebumps exploded all over her skin. A jolt of fear coursed through her, immediately ending her giddiness. The rustling sounds grow nearer. Sophie struggled to decide whether to retreat or press on. On one hand, it was dangerous to adventure ahead, but on the other, she was fantastically close to her destination. She chose to run, the thrill of possible reunion urging her onward.

With each step, she drew closer to the source of the rustling. Ten metres, five metres, two metres, and then, just one metre away, she sprinted faster than a cheetah, determined to escape the unseen threat. She reached the noise, past the noise breathless but hopeful, she retreated to a jog. However, her moment of relief was short lived. Sophie slowed to a halt, unaware that danger lurked behind her. In an instant, a large, powerful hand clamped over her mouth, shattering the illusion of safety.

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