Sophie POV

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As Sophie slowly opened her eyes, a searing pain clouded her vision. Being thrown out of a massive glass dome had that effect. The pain, like an unwelcome guest, slowly began to recede, finally allowing her to glance around at her surroundings.

Carefully, she got up, alert to the unfamiliar terrain that surrounded her. Gigantic trees, easily a hundred metres tall, loomed overhead, casting dark shadows that stretched in all directions. Unnatural shadows, scary shadows. It was like a whole other world in contrast to the familiar sights of crystal and quartz that decorated the Lost Cities.

A rustle in a nearby bush broke the silence, demanding Sophie's attention. Startled, her head turned in that direction with lightning speed. Another rustle, and she spun around again, her voice trembling as she timidly called out, "Who's there?" Her whimper was evident in her voice, betraying her fear

Yet another rustling bush and Sophie's mind skipped to a daunting realisation, she was not alone. Panic tugged at her sides. She remained on high alert, her senses on edge. The wilderness that surrounded her remained a mystery, and she still had no idea where she was. But she had a guess who might be lurking in the shadows. She glanced at the shadows, they were moving, like snakes in the grass. "The Neverseen," she whispered to the wind.

She took off running, sprinting away from this unknown danger. As she ran away as fast as her legs could carry her, away from the evil presence, she channelled all her remaining energy into her legs, willing them to go faster. But the noises persisted, echoing the whispers she had encountered in the Lost Cities, voices that challenged her to run faster, to escape an invisible threat. Sophie's strength wavered, and her exhausted body finally gave in. She collapsed, the ground rushing up to meet her.


When Sophie finally gained consciousness, she was alerted to the fact that the burning hot sun had dipped below the horizon. When suddenly, an idea appeared. A true lightbulb moment, "My registry pendant!" she exclaimed excitedly, not bothering to care that her body was beaten and bruised. Wondering why she hadn't thought about it earlier, her hands instinctively grasped for her neck, only to find emptiness. The memory of her and her friends intentionally leaving their pendants and Dex's emergency rings behind to avoid being tracked slowly trickled back into her mind. Despair threatened to overtake her as she was forced to accept the harsh reality of her situation.

Desperation and uncertainty threatened to swallow her, but she fought back the feelings and tucked them safely under her ribs, as she glanced up at the towering trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of the glass dome, but all that met her gaze was the distant horizon. She was trapped in Elysian, a place where she had no allies and no clear way out.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in a black darkness, Sophie tried to regain her earlier calmness. She had attempted to call out for Keefe, Fitz, or anyone who might be nearby, but she was too drained for her message to have any sort of chance of actually reaching them. And the idea of jumping from the tall trees to teleport was daunting, especially with her injuries.

Her body bore the marks of Being Thrown Out of A Glass Dome And Landing Kilometres Away: A deep gash on her forearm, two injured legs, a bleeding cut on her forehead, and an arm that bent at an unnatural angle. The need for medical treatment loomed in her mind, but for now, she curled up in a familiar and vulnerable pose, her infamous Sophie ball, her mind yearning for the comfort of Ella, her stuffed elephant, who had always been by her side.

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