Sophie POV

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Sophie beamed as she concluded her recounting of the bizarre events that led her to her current predicament. "And that," she concluded with a dramatic flair, "is how I got here! Your turn!" she eagerly prompted Ro.

Ro, still trying to wrap her head around this new piece of information, struggled to find words. "Wha-... How- OK Blondie, slow down, this 'Elysian' threw you out of a giant dome?!" she exclaimed, her confusion evident. "Wait till I get my hands on her Blondie, I bet she wouldn't like getting thrown out of a dome." Ro finished threatenly, Sophie giggled, only to wince in pain. "Pretty much!" Sophie responded her hands now furiously rubbing dirt on her tunic, reliasing how horrible she must look, her face flushing.

"Relax, Blondie, it's not THAT bad," Ro reassured Sophie with a snort, rolling her eyes at Sophie furiously rubbing the dirt. The mindless conversation continued as Ro, with a hint of teasing, pointed out, "But Blondie... How did you even survive here? 'Cause, like, no offense, but you're not really the survivalist type." Sophie's smile faded, reliving the day it all went wrong. "I... don't know..." she finally confessed. "I have a little place, kind of like a tree house, I hunt these animals that live here, I eat, and survive—I guess," "it sure is nice to eat meat again" she added. she shrugged.

As Ro processed the quick recount of Sophie's adventures, she replied, "Okay, Blondie, it seems like you have a long story to tell." Interrupting Sophie's attempt to explain, Ro added, "But!" and wiggled her bushy eyebrows suggestively, "I have a little feeling that a certain someone might find your whole 'adventure' very interesting!" The way Ro exaggerated certain words made her whole face blush, Sophie attempted and failed to redirect the conversation, but Ro, entertaining as she was annoying, wasn't about to let that happen.

"Ooooh, I see you blushing! What happened, Blondie? Tell Auntie Ro," Ro exclaimed excitedly, patting her lap. Slightly caught off guard by the whole-, "Auntie Ro?" before realising the irrelevance of the detail. Determined to keep certain details private, she opted for a vague admission: "Nope" Sophie replied, there was NO way she was telling Ro what happened between her and Keefe. "Nothing happened, Nope, Zero, Zip" Loud kissing sounds and Ro's dramatic proclamation followed, making Sophie blush even more.

"Anyway!" Sophie interrupted, attempting to regain control of the conversation. "We have gotten VERY off-topic," she scolded Ro, refocusing on the mission at hand. "Aren't we supposed to be figuring out how to get out of here?" she reminded the ogre princess.

"Of course we are! Straight to the point, I like it!" Ro agreed enthusiastically. Sophie, eager to move forward, declared, "Let's go," prompting Ro to unleash a final, echoing shout into the clouds: "TEAM FOSTER-KEEFE FOREVER!" Sophie sighed, bracing herself for what was going to be a very long journey with her very animated friend.

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