Fitz POV

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Fitz's emotions churned like a wild storm. A hail storm of worry, anger, and jealousy that had threatened to consume him many times. The effects of the sedative had now worn off, and now he was fully awake, fully aware of the chaos that had unfolded in the Healing Center. Shouts, cries, and frantic exchanges filled the air, now it was clear that Keefe was missing. Fitz's current state only intensified the situation.

Jealousy flared within Fitz like a blazing fire, unforgiving and unrelenting. He couldn't help but blame Keefe for having chosen to go in search of Sophie. It wasn't fair, and Fitz wrestled with the feeling that he should be the one to rescue her. But he knew the reason, he knew that Keefe wanted to be the hero, to be the one who saved Sophie, to cement himself above me, he thought bitterly. and that only added to his anger. He punched the pillow, hoping for a satisfying Thump! It didn't work.

But another emotion shined through, Guilt gnawed at Fitz's conscience, a relentless beast that hounded him, every second of every day. Always questioning him whether he could have acted differently, done more to prevent the nightmare that had unfolded. "Arghh! How could this happen!!" he couldn't help but exclaim. It felt good to talk out loud. The weight of his failure in protecting Sophie pressed heavily on his shoulders, pushing him further and further into the ground, he was tormented by the idea that he could have should have been there for her, shielding her from harm.

Yet another emotion, this time it overpowered the guilt. Anger, Fitz's most common emotion, flared brighter than the rest. It burned away any other emotion, right down to his core. It had always been his shield, his way of coping with tough situations. Just like how Keefe hides himself behind humor. Sophie had always warned him about hiding behind it too often, fearing that he might lose himself in the process. But in this moment, anger provided him with a sense of purpose and motivation. He was going to confront the one who tried to save her.

As Elwin fell asleep from behind his desk, Fitz made a silent vow. He vowed to never be friends with Keefe again, Keefe had betrayed him too many times, he was unstable, and that could not be forgiven, he'd also forced him to the sidelines. But determination to find Sophie and bring her back to safety burned within him, overriding the conflict of emotions that had consumed him. That night, Fitz's need to reunite with Sophie was unwavering, and he would do whatever it took to make that happen.

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