Keefe POV

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Keefe's determination was clear as he charged toward his mother, wielding goblin daggers. This. Must. End. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he raced toward the center of the chaos, breathing rapidly. The daggers' weight in his hands had an oddly calming effect. However, Keefe's sudden surge of confidence was instantly interrupted, freezing him mid lunge towards his mother.

The world around him seemed to dissolve into a disorienting whirlwind of unpleasant emotions, sensations, and feelings. Fitz's voice, tinged with slight urgency, barely registered in Keefe's disoriented, broken mind. The chaos swirled inside him, obscuring anything logical, and he started thrashing. But suddenly came a sound that snapped him from his surreal state, a scream, but not just any old Fitz scream. It was Sophie's scream, a haunting and piercing cry that seemed to cut through the air like butter.

"SOPHIE!" Keefe yelled, desperately hoping for Sophie to be alright. His voice trembled with concern and fear. He struggled to move, but an unknown strength, an invisible force, held him in place, frustratingly obscuring his view of where Sophie had been launched out of the dome.

A suffocating silence followed, filling the void left by Sophie's scream. The possibility that Sophie might be... gone was unbearable, a nightmare Keefe refused to acknowledge, or accept. He pushed that grim thought away, refusing to allow this unpleasant thought to push him down, to beat him.

Powerless to do anything else, Keefe retreated into this strange mental state, where time lost meaning, colours were shapes, and smells were sounds. His mind became a safe place, a refuge from the cold, harsh realities that had just unfolded around him. He needed answers, an escape from the overwhelming despair that threatened to swallow him.

When he finally emerged from the depths of his mind, he found himself in a different place, far away from the foreboding dome of doom. The world outside was a stark contrast to the chaos he had since left behind, dull boring trees, boring hills, a far cry from the beautiful rolling hills and incredible rivers, enhanced by the illusions that hid it. Keefe lay in a cold, neatly made bed, the bare white surroundings of the Healing Center offering a small sense of calm.

A faint smile crossed his lips, despite the circumstances, as he recognized the familiar shape of the Healing Center. A deep, concerned voice met his ears "Keefe, snap out of it! Keefe! Nod if you can hear me!" The voice was unmistakably that of Elwin, the physician who had been a constant presence in their lives, thanks to the constant visits by him and Sophie. Elwin even had a picture of himself and Sophie hanging on the wall.

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