Keefe POV

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As Keefe ventured deeper into the treacherous and seemingly infinite Elysian, his mind was ablaze with the creation of his master plan, he called it:


He smiled as The-Super-Cool-you-get-the-point came together in his mind. The swish of his surroundings, the thick undergrowth parting before him. The dense wilderness held answers, and he was determined to uncover them. In his quest for even the tiniest trace of Foster, the empath couldn't rely on flashy tricks like those of his friends, he couldn't search for Sophie's thoughts, like of those people with weirdly teal eyes, or spark flame, like Marella, or anything as fancy as Sophie. Instead, he had to rely on his instincts and raw determination.

As he advanced, Keefe encountered a breathtaking sight—a hidden waterfall nestled within the foliage. The cascading water created a mesmerising display as it crashed against the cliff and danced upon the surface of the crystal-clear lake below. "Woah!" Keefe said, bursting into the clearing. Ordinarily, he might have marvelled at the natural beauty, but a monster gripped his every thought, the monster gripped at his sides, daring him to give up, to give in. But today was not a day for marvelling, or giving up, it was a day that could reshape their lives, depending on the outcome of his mission.

The-Super-Cool-Plan-To-Save-Lady-Foster. If you forgot.

Swiftly moving past the slightly hypnotizing, enchanted waterfall, Keefe paused, an idea sparked within him. The cliff face beside the waterfall offered both a challenge and an opportunity. If he could climb it and call out Foster's name from the top, perhaps she would hear him! "Yes! This has to be the way I find Foster!" Keefe exclaimed to nobody, The prospect fueled his determination, and with a fixed mindset, Keefe began his ascent. Keefe's levitation was unreliable at best, and completely useless at worst. So it wasn't a reliable enough skill for him to trust it to carry him up the cliff.

The rock face proved to be harder than it looked, yet Keefe scaled it with surprising ease. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueled by the desperate need to find Foster. "I won't give up on you Foster, even if everyone else has," he muttered, his voice a quiet promise to himself.

As he reached a point where his path became even less forgiving, smooth stone replacing footholds and handholds, Keefe's desperation surged. Thoughts of him stuck there surfaced in his mind. But he refused to accept defeat. "No! This can't be a dead end. There has to be a way around it," he desperately whispered, echoing his determination. Channelling Foster's spirit, he tried to imitate her resilience. "Embrace the Foster, Be the Foster," he repeated, to himself, fueling his drive.

Attempting to see the situation through Foster's eyes, Keefe playfully mocked himself, and mimicked her voice perfectly, "Oh Keefe, you're so handsome! With your rugged looks and awesome hair!" he laughed at himself, mostly trying to fill the unbearable silence. "Well Keefe, why didn't you ask? didn't you see that jarringly obvious branch?" Keefe told himself.

"I mean yeah Foster.. But I don't get what's so special about this branch, I mean, it's just a sturdy wooden stick, jutting out from the side of this chasm...." Keefe's voice trailed off as he realised what he missed. He could jump and swing off from the branch and land on the empty grassland on the other side. It was his ticket over the chasm.

"This is crazy, Foster. Thanks!" Keefe exclaimed, his gratitude ringing out as he propelled himself off the ledge, clutching the branch. His body swung through the air, and a momentary weightlessness dawned on him. As he swung on the branch an ominous cracking sound disrupted the tranquillity and peace, echoing through the air like a foreboding omen. "Uh oh"

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