Sophie POV

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Author's note: Hey guys! First I just want to say a HUGE thank you for 1 THOUSAND reads! :) honestly I never thought I'd even get to 100! So thank you all SOooooOOoooOo much!


P.S: I'm also trying a new writing style so tell me in the comments if  you like it or not and you want me to go back to the other one :)

Sophie found herself trapped like a fly in a web, in the detailed and complicated maze of Elysian, her footsteps echoing softly against the mossy stones. Time stretched endlessly and effortlessly as she and Ro continued journeying, their efforts rewarding no results despite the many kilometres they must have covered. Weariness clung to Sophie's bones like wet clothes, weighing her down with each step. Ro's increasing questioning rate grated against her nerves, a constant reminder of their lack of success.

Dragging herself through the murky depths of Elysian, Sophie fought against the overwhelming urge to give in to exhaustion. She pushed forward, ignoring the protests of her tired body, determined not to let the exhaustion that threatened to consume her win. It was only with the arrival of dawn that Sophie relented, her body finally giving way as she collapsed onto the unforgiving ground.

Ro's alarmed call pierced the silence "Blondie! Woah! " exclaimed Ro urgently, as she hurried to Sophie's side, her concern deepened in the wrinkles of her forehead. Despite this overwhelming tiredness, she tried to hide her condition with what had to be the least convincing Yep ever. Yet, the signs of her exhaustion were unmistakable, her skin clammy and pale in the dim light of dawn. As she struggled to stand, Sophie was engulfed by a dizzying headrush that sent her world spinning.

"Easy there, Blondie," Ro's voice broke through the dizziness. With Ro's help, Sophie focused on her breathing, the rhythmic chant of "In and out, In and out" providing comfort. Time stretched on as they weathered the storm together, until finally, the dizzying onslaught subsided, leaving Sophie drained but resolved to continue their journey.

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