Sophie POV

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"Ro?" Sophie repeated, needing to confirm that she wasn't hallucinating.

"Blondie?" the ogre princess responded weakly. It almost seemed like her eyes were watering, Sophie thought it must be something in her eyes. "How did you get here? What are you doing here? Why didn't you come back when I rubbed that horrible bacteria on my skin?" Sophie couldn't help the whining tone in her voice, even though she wasn't proud of it. But she didn't attempt to suppress it either.

"Whoa, Blondie, I always forget how exuberant you are!" Ro exclaimed playfully. "How did you get here, anyway?" she asked curiously.

Sophie couldn't contain her enthusiasm and dove into her story. "I was flung out of a giant dome..." She winced as she remembered her injuries. "What about you?" she inquired.

After a bit of staring from Ro, Ro revealed her own adventures. "I was tracking Cadfael," she explained. "After following a long trail of evidence, it led me here." She gestured at the towering trees and thick underbrush. "Now, you," she pointed at Sophie, "need to tell me more about your 'I got flung out of a dome' situation. What exactly happened? Are you trying to find new ways to impress your boy? Because, darn, that's not the way to do it."

Sophie quickly interrupted, her face flushing with embarrassment. "No!" she shouted, hoping to cut Ro off before she said anything more embarrassing. "Well," she began, "it all started with a dome and a certain black-cloaked figure..."

Authors Note: sorry for short chapter, hopefully longer in the future :D 

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