Sophie POV

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"Thanks, Ro," Sophie whispered, her voice fragile yet filled with gratitude. She attempted to straighten herself, pushing through the weariness that anchored her limbs.

Ro's eyes, sharp and assessing, scanned Sophie's pale face. "You need to rest, Blondie. You're pushing yourself too hard," she advised, her voice carrying a note of concern. Suddenly, a rustling sound sliced through the cold air. "Wait," she hissed, her posture instantly tense. "Did you hear that?"

Sophie's breath caught in her throat as a nearby stick snapped, her head whipping toward the sharp noise. She strained her eyes but saw nothing. Just as she was about to relax, a new voice pierced the darkness. Keefe's. "Foster?" His tone was urgent, his eyes wide with a mix of relief and determination as he emerged from the dense foliage. For a moment, everything else faded into the background. Only Keefe mattered his presence a lifeline in this hostile wilderness.

"Keefe?" she whispered, her voice cracking as the tears she'd been holding back finally spilt over. She didn't wait for a response; she launched herself into his arms, clinging to him as though letting go would make him vanish like a mirage. The best part? It didn't feel awkward, not even a little bit.

Keefe held her tightly. "You found me," Sophie murmured into his shoulder, the reality of their reunion sinking in.

"I promised I would," Keefe replied, his voice low and filled with a fierce protectiveness that made Sophie's heart swell with gratitude. He pulled back slightly, enough to look into her eyes. "We need to get out of here. Marella helped me open a portal. It's our way back."

Sophie nodded, her relief quickly giving way to practicality. She knew Keefe was right; they couldn't afford to waste any more time. But before she could say anything, Ro stepped forward, her usually playful demeanour replaced with a grave expression.

"Hold on, as much as I would like to learn more about this little reunion with Blondie, Funkyhair," she grinned mischievously, making Sophie blush furiously, "We need a plan. This place is crawling with dangers, and we can't just rush out blindly," Ro said, her tone brooking no argument.

Keefe nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Ro's words. "You're right. We need to be careful. But we also need to move fast. Fitz and the others are probably already searching for us." The mention of Fitz made Sophie's heart clench. She hadn't forgotten about him—not for a second. He was out there somewhere, probably frantic with worry. The thought gave her the strength she needed.

"Okay," she said, stepping back and taking a deep breath. "What's the plan?"

Ro glanced around, assessing their surroundings with a critical eye. "First, we need to get to higher ground. It'll give us a better vantage point and help us avoid any potential ambushes."

Keefe nodded, his eyes flicking to Sophie, silently checking if she was up for it. She gave him a determined nod in return. "I can do it," she said firmly.

With Ro leading the way, they started their ascent. The climb was steep and treacherous, but Sophie forced herself to keep up, pushing past the fatigue and fear. Keefe stayed close, his presence a comforting reminder that she wasn't alone.

As they reached a small plateau, Sophie's mind started to race with possibilities. She couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. She could almost hear Fitz's and her other friends' voices in her head, urging her to stay strong. They were so close to being reunited, and she couldn't afford to falter now.

Ro stopped suddenly, holding up a hand to signal silence. Sophie strained her ears, trying to catch whatever had alerted Ro. At first, there was nothing but the wind rustling through the leaves. Then, faint but unmistakable, she heard it—a voice. No, multiple voices.

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