Fitz POV

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When Fitz awoke from his force induced sleep, it was dark, the sun long since dipped below the horizon, casting endless darkness onto the untamed world of Elysian. "Oh no..." muttered Fitz, rubbing his hazy eyes, he scanned the thick bush in front of him, looking for any sort of life. What am I going to do now?! Fitz thought bitterly, he had wasted a whole day sleeping! There was no way he was going to find Sophie at this rate! All because he thought he could solve this problem immediately.

No, he needed a plan, he brainstormed for a while but ultimately decided the best and only plan of action available was to wander Elysian, hoping to stumble across a clue, or better yet, Sophie. Fitz was far too drained, and smart, to attempt to use his telepathy, best save it for when it counts right? Fitz mentally added. So he began his search, it was tedious, long, cold, and... kinda boring. He knew it was a strange way to feel while searching for his missing girlfriend, who literally could be anywhere in this massive jungle.

He pushed this grim thought far into the back of his mind, any doubt would only hinder his progress. So he held his head high as he squinted at the shadows and strained his ears listening for footsteps, doing anything really, to gather hints and clues about Sophie's current whereabouts. Fitz had no idea how far he walked that night, for what felt like hours and hours, not that it mattered, He did go on a daily jog he thought smugly, hours passed with Fitz still finding nothing. The longer he didn't find anything, the more frustrated he got, and the more frustrated he got, the less in depth his search efforts became, and hence, the cycle.

Fitz became angrier, more paranoid, and more frustrated with himself as all his search efforts brought up, nothing, zip, zero, trace of Sophie. He kicked the nearby plant life and punched one of the tall, jungle looking trees that towered over him, but all that accomplished was giving him a sore foot and a bleeding hand. He sat down on the mud and sticks that lined the jungle floor, he thought through his day, and his plan. Crackkk! Fitz snapped his head to the source of the sound, a broken stick, lying uselessly on the ground. Goosebumps erupted all over his body as another, Cracckkk, filled the eerie silence. He turned around, nothing. It's probably just my imagination playing tricks on m- 

Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully longer in the future! :)

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