Fitz POV

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Fitz's consciousness returned in fragments, each one more jarring than the last. His head pounded, and the cold, hard surface beneath him did nothing to alleviate the discomfort. As his eyes fluttered open, the first thing he noticed was the dim, flickering light casting eerie shadows on the stone walls of what appeared to be a cell. Panic surged through him as he tried to recall what had happened. The last thing he remembered was the rough firm hand clamping over his mouth and the sweet smell of sedatives.

Now, he was a prisoner.

He struggled against the tight bonds that held his wrists, their rough texture digging into his skin. Anger flared within him, anger at himself for getting caught, anger at the Neverseen for taking Sophie, and anger at the helplessness he now felt. He tugged harder, ignoring the pain. He had to get out of here. He had to find Sophie.

A creaking noise drew his attention to the heavy steel door, edged with crystal, at the room's far end. It swung open slowly, and a figure stepped inside, their features obscured and blocked by the shadows. Fitz's heart raced as he strained to see who it was. "Ah, you're awake," a cold, familiar voice said. Fitz's stomach dropped so far, that he thought it could never come back up, as the figure stepped into the light, revealing the sneering face of Gethen, one of the Neverseen's most famous members, well at least for Sophie, after the attack, Fitz knew she still hadn't gotten over it.

"Where's Sophie?" Fitz demanded, his voice rough and urgent. Gethen chuckled, a sound devoid of any warmth. "She's safe, for now. But that can change very quickly if you don't cooperate." Fitz glared at him, defiance burning in his eyes. "I'll never help you."

"Oh, I think you will," Gethen replied smoothly. "You see, we have ways of making people talk, and I have a feeling you'll be quite talkative once we get started." Fitz's resolve hardened. He wouldn't let them break him. He had to stay strong, for Sophie.

Hours blurred into a torturous haze as Gethen and his associates tried to extract information from him. Fitz held out, retreating into his mind, determined to escape the pain, clinging to the thought of Sophie and the promise he had made to himself to rescue her. He endured the pain, the threats, and the mind games, refusing to give them anything they could use against his friends.

In the still moments between the interrogations, Fitz's thoughts drifted to his family and friends. He wondered if they knew he was missing if they were looking for him. He thought about Keefe and the bitter words he had left unspoken. Despite everything, he hoped Keefe was safe. He couldn't afford to let their rivalry distract him from what really mattered, saving Sophie and stopping the Neverseen.

As days passed, Fitz's strength waned, but his determination remained unbroken. He studied his captors, looking for any weakness, any opportunity to escape. He knew he couldn't do it alone. He needed help, but he also knew he couldn't trust anyone in this place.

One night, as he lay on the cold floor, exhausted and in pain, Fitz heard a soft rustling outside his cell. His heart pounded as the door creaked open. A hooded figure that looked slightly, blurry, like a blurry image, slipped inside, moving quickly and silently. Fitz tensed, ready to fight if necessary. "Fitz," a whispered voice said, and his heart soared. The figure lowered their hood, revealing Tam's familiar face.

"Tam," Fitz breathed, relief flooding through him. "How did you—"

"No time to explain," Tam interrupted, pulling a small, sharp blade from his cloak and cutting through Fitz's bonds. "We have to get out of here before they notice." Fitz rubbed his sore wrists, nodding. "What about Sophie?" I just know she's in another cell. We're getting her out too," Fitz demanded. "Come on then, we have to move." Tam sighed.

Together, they slipped through the dark corridors of the Neverseen's hideout, hidden under Tam's shadows, avoiding patrols and silent alarms. Fitz's heart raced with a mixture of fear and hope. They were so close. He couldn't afford to fail now.

As they neared what Fitz thought was Sophie's cell, he had been tracking her thoughts through this horrible hideout. Fitz felt a surge of determination. He was going to save her. They were going to make it out of here, and they were going to stop the Neverseen once and for all.

They had to.

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