Sophie POV

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In the heart of Elysian, Sophie Foster's every step was a dance of danger, her movements a perfect balance between survival and stealth. The towering trees, as ancient as the world itself, offered some refuge from the prying eyes of the Neverseen, but she couldn't afford to rely on cover alone. Her senses remained on high alert, her ears attuned to every rustle of leaves and her eyes glancing through the shadows.

The relentless pursuit of the Neverseen had kept her heart racing for what felt like an eternity. These were not the fun games of base quest from her days in the Forbidden Cities. Each encounter with the dangerous organisation was always been a showdown. She liked to think about them as tests of her unique abilities, and though fear and exhaustion clung to her like a second skin, yet, she couldn't let either one overtake her. She had to be swift, she had to be invisible, and when necessary, she had to be deadly.

The long hours slowly transformed into days, and her encounters with the Neverseen showed no signs of stopping. Their relentless pursuits and cunning strategies kept her in a constant state of panic and fear. But her powers as an Inflictor served as both her shield and her sword. With a surge of mental energy, the pain would lash out from her fingertips, debilitating any attackers. She loathed resorting to violence, but it was a necessary evil in the wilds of Elysian.

During these life or death struggles, she had to deal with the unending search for food and water. Hunger gnawed at her insides, and every morsel of edible plant, every source of fresh water was a hard-won victory. The food supply of the plants was flimsy at best, and the absence of her usual diet was a constant reminder of the world she had been forced to leave behind. She didn't talk to herself anymore, to scared that the Neverseen would hear, she barely even thought much anymore. Her throat dry and throbbing from the lack of use.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the nights in Elysian were a different kind of challenge. Darkness swallowed the wilderness, and strange, unseen creatures filled the air with eerie cries and howls. Sophie did not sleep well. She had to learn to build small shelters high in the trees, reminding her of her tree house she had, back when she was living with humans. This way she could stay one step ahead of the enemy.

Yet loneliness seems to be the most challenging threat, she missed her friends, her home, and her family. Yet, Sophie's upbeat spirit wouldn't let her give in to despair. Her purpose was clear, find a way back and reunite with her friends and loved ones.


The days slowly continued to turn into weeks. She couldn't remember the last time she had a proper meal. But she had to press on, to survive against all odds, to keep hope alive in her heart.

One step at a time, one day at a time, Sophie Foster would continue to fight, to endure, and to hold onto the belief that she would find her way back to the world she knew, she-

A strange noise abruptly stopped her internal pep talk, and her heart raced as the thunderous stomping grew louder and closer. Fear coursed through her veins as she thought of a Neverseen spy approaching. She had dealt with their agents before, but this didn't feel like one of their covert operations. Their footsteps were too loud and clumsy for any skilled spy.

However, another thought persisted: What if it was help? As much as she tried to suppress it, hope began to flare within her. She couldn't help but entertain the possibility that someone was searching for her. It was a dangerous emotion, one she had tried to avoid to maintain her survival instincts.

Without much further contemplation, Sophie decided to follow the strange noise, motivated by the faint glimmer of hope that had tied itself in her heart. She trailed the noise through the unfamiliar wilderness, a path that felt like it stretched on for an eternity, though it was likely only a matter of minutes.

Suddenly, she burst into an unknown clearing. Startled, Sophie quickly dove into the underbrush, determined to remain hidden. Peering cautiously through a small hole in the bush she was currently hiding in, she was confronted by an astonishing sight. Despite her best efforts to remain silent, a little peep of surprise escaped her, shattering the quiet atmosphere.

The ogre's massive form whipped around with a thunderous, almost graceful turn, its keen senses catching a faint whiff of something wrong in the air. The fearsome creature then shifted its attention to Sophie's hiding place, peering around with a mixture of confusion and suspicion. A shiver of fear ran through her as she observed the ogre's movements. The ogre must have decided it was nothing, as it slowly turned back, In that brief moment, she felt a wave of relief wash over her, believing that this might be the right moment to make a move.

With utmost care, Sophie began to ease herself away from the concealing embrace of the bush, inching forward to escape the looming presence of the ogre. But her pretty weak attempt at stealth was ruined as the ogre abruptly swung around once more, its massive hand reaching out to grip her and yank her fully out of her hiding spot. She couldn't help but gasp, as she stared up, her eyes met the bewildered gaze of the ogre.

For a few heart-pounding moments, the two beings locked eyes. Both mouths dropped open, It took Sophie a fleeting second to recognize the ogre princess, whose name she tried to utter despite her trembling voice, "R–o..?" Her voice croaked out, filled with uncertainty

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