Fitz POV

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Later that night, after the dim glow of balefire had long been extinguished, Elwin's gentle snores filled the room, Fitz lay in his uncomfortable cot, his eyes glued to the ceiling. The white expanse seemed to stretch endlessly, Hours had passed since he'd first settled into this small bed, or maybe it was days, if only he had thought to count the seconds. A whirlpool of emotions and thoughts had taken control of his brain.

In the quiet darkness, Fitz was crafting an expert plan to save Sophie. The minutes stretched into what felt like eternity as he pondered every detail, fixing every mistake, and considering the actions he needed to take. He couldn't rely on Keefe, not this time, he was determined to be the one to rescue her.

As Fitz brainstormed, his mind wandered through various possibilities. Could Dex track Sophie's registry pendant? The memory of reminding her to remove it to prevent tracking came back to him. What about having Dex trace her emergency ring? He quickly dismissed the idea, recalling the warning he had given Sophie about removing that as well. The guilt tugged at him, but his resolve was stronger. He needed to save Sophie, and he needed a plan.

Thoughts of involving Dex or Tam crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed the idea. "I have to act alone, so Sophie knows that I was the one who recused her." Fitz told the ceiling quietly. The decision was clear, almost as clear as the crystal his home was built from. Fitz had to venture into Elysian and search for Sophie himself.

The following night, Fitz lay in wait, a cloak of determination shrouding him. Elwin had done his usual routine, forcing different elixirs down Fitz's throat. Fitz had studied Elwin's habits, and he knew that he would be in a deep slumber by around 10:45 PM, completely unaware of Fitz's intentions. It was a time of slient rebellion, a time when Fitz would begin his plan to save Sophie, and reclaim her. Regardless of the risks and chances that lay ahead. He quietly peeled off his blankets, revealing his fully dressed form, ready to face the unknown of Elysian and bring Sophie home.

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