Keefe POV

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Keefe gave a hesitant nod, still weighed down by the recent events. In a feeble effort to lessen the pain that loomed like Tam's shadows, he curled inward with his head in his knees. Fitz's questions, filled with worry and relief, cut through the awkwardness in the air as he shouted from beside Keefe. With great effort, Keefe turned his head, determined to push through the blaring pain, he had to be normal. Needed to be normal.

"Hiya, Fitzy," Keefe responded weakly, a faint smile as he tried to mask his discomfort.

Elwin's voice chimed in from the back of the healing centre, dripping with sarcasm, "Woah, calm down Keefe, or you're going to set back your recovery!"

As Keefe slowly smiled, trying to reassure Elwin that he was perfectly fine. He wasn't used to people caring so much about him, His memories flooded back, a relentless torrent of images and emotions. Sophie's scream, the shattering glass almost sounded real as he reimagined it. It all came rushing back, and he couldn't suppress the shudder as he realised that Sophie was not among them. "Whereisfosterissheallright?!"

Elwin lowered his head slightly, and Keefe's heart sank, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. "Well, Keefe. You see, we still haven't found her" "Yet" He added as Keefe tried to jump out of bed. His determination doubled, and he was ready to leap out of the bed, his worry propelling him into action. "We need search parties! And—"

Elwin's firm voice cut him off, gently but resolutely pushing him back. "You," he pointed a slim, pale finger at the empath, "won't be going anywhere."

Keefe's frustration welled up, but Elwin reassured him, "Don't worry, Keefe. I understand! I even share the same worries, but The Black Swan is sending out search parties. I'm sure we'll find her in no time." The physician spoke in a tone as if he needed the reassurance more than Keefe did.

"Keefe, I know you want to help," Elwin continued, seemingly knowing that Keefe was on the verge of a breakdown "And that's great! But the best thing you can do is rest. Besides, Sophie can take care of herself. How many times has she told you that?"

"I guess," Keefe mumbled, but his doubt remained. A whisper in the shadows broke the awkward silence, "Can I go find her?" Keefe nearly jumped out of his bed, he had forgotten about Fitz.

"I'm sorry, Fitz, but you need to rest too," Elwin's voice took on a more emphatic tone, "I think you're forgetting that you are both injured and tired. So, I can't stress this enough: YOU NEED TO REST."

Elwin's loud words were a harsh wake-up, making both Fitz and Keefe cower. But Keefe couldn't merely stand by, or rather, sit by. And wait for news of Sophie. He was overwhelmed by a tugging need to take action. For all he knew, Foster could be seriously injured and in need of immediate medical care. He shivered just thinking how alone she would be feeling right now, with a strong sense of determination, Keefe hatched a master plan to slip away in the night, Sophie had never given up on him, so Keefe would never give up on her. 

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