Fitz POV

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Leaning against Fintan's old garden, Fitz welcomed Marella, who gracefully leaped onto the property. The moonlight cast a shy smile on Marella's face as she greeted him. "Hi, Fitz." Her voice carried a hint of nervousness. Fitz must have been very appreciative of Marella's assistance. "Thank you for doing this Marella, you're a savior."

Marella blushed in response, the moonlight casting a soft glow on her smooth skin. Fitz observed her, noting a subtle change. "This isn't the Marella I know," he thought tentatively but chose to set aside the thought. His mission to find Sophie required focus and Fitz knew he possessed much better advantages over Keefe in the search. With his ability to listen to thoughts and transmit messages, he was sure he could locate Sophie much faster.

"Soo..." Marella's voice broke through his mental Keefe bashing. "Are you gonna go in, or..." she prompted. "Sorry, yeah definitely going in!" Fitz responded, his attention redirected yet again. "Thanks, Marella!" he called as he plunged headfirst into the portal.

The transition was very abrupt as Fitz collided with the ground on the other side. The sight of the massive glass structure triggered memories of past encounters. "We meet again," he muttered a grim acknowledgment. Yet, today was different, driven by a purpose far more urgent.

Grimacing at the memories, Fitz stumbled over a stone, and landed flat on his face, (had too) grumbling as he thought about his next move. He peered at the person sized hole in the glass high above him, thinking carefully about the climb. With enough determination, he could do anything, right? He started ascending, struggling with the small footholds at first, but eventually getting into a rythme. The climb felt endless, an arduous journey against the imposing glass dome. Finally, he reached the Sophie shaped hole, carefully navigating around the jagged glass to avoid cutting himself on the sharp edges. He began his long descent down the massive glass structure.

After his feet touched the ground, Fitz was finally ready to begin his search. His first approach was, of course, his telepathy. Fitz knew his telepathic abilities were considered one of the most powerful among the elves, excluding Sophie. Ignoring the flaring migraine, he pushed his mind to the limits, reaching out for the familiar contours of Sophie's thoughts. The effort intensified, but Fitz persisted, pushing himself harder and harder until his body forced him to stop. Fitz collapsed, exhausted, but despite his best efforts, all Fitz knew was that Sophie was very, very far away.

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