The Break Up

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Normally on a rainy night, you were in bed with your favorite book and contemplating on what meal you wanted to settle for.

You didn't like when you had to think about what you needed to eat for dinner, but it was coming to you.

" I am a little cold, I'll make some soup."

Warming up the small pot and filling it with a can of chicken soup, you put on the highest temp on the stove and seasoned it to taste.

You made a mental note to call Din, your best friend who you've known since elementary school.

It's been three months since you wanted to have a real conversation with him, but he called himself finding a girlfriend, hiding it for a week until you went into his phone and exposed his secret.

Admittedly, you've had a thing for Din for some time now since you started to realize that boys were cute when you were young.

Ever since you helped him lose that weight that had him hiding from the world he's been different. More women flocked to him. Your anger raged, knowing that you were the only person he was messing around with for a good year until he lost weight. And for a big guy that he was, he was good in bed. You were jealous, knowing how good he was now.

You shook the thoughts, thunder clapping outside making you forget that you had a pot filled with overflowing soup.

Pouring the contents into the bowl you grabbed some hotsauce and crackers, preparing to eat it.

A knock came at the door. A hard one, startling you. You hated when you had unexpected guests, considering you didn't know anyone that's near you at this hour.

When you tried ignoring it, it came again, now pissing you off at how hard they were banging.

" I swear if this ain't the police." You mumbled, throwing the door open.

You scrunched your brows, and curled your lip. Seeing Din at the door confused you more then it surprised you. His twists hanging from his scalp wet and sticking to the sides of his face.

" Din you have a girlfriend, and she's crazy. Why are you here?"

" I broke up with her."

Wow. You said to yourself. You swore this man was in love with that chick Jalon. She was pretty, seemed his type and he always had the biggest smile when they took pictures so she didn't understand why he was trying to grace her home again after he chose his relationship over his friendship with you.

" Can I come in? She kicked me out and my car won't start. I had to walk eight blocks to get here. Please."

You rolled your eyes, stepping to the side to let him in.

" Why did you break up with her?" You asked.

He helped himself to the chicken soup as he shivered in his wet jacket. The same behavior he always does when he's around you. Just takes your food without asking.

" You really wanna know-

" Yes! Like hell I do. And I wanna know why, my best friend of 11 years flaked on me all because of her. You know I'm not the jealous type so why did you?"

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