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When you and Agent announced your pregnancy in your second trimester to his family and yours, everyone was happy.

It didn't take long for everyone to soon look at each other and say..

" What religion would you want the child to follow?"

And that was the problem ever since.

The marriage wasn't on the rocks about it, but it was sort of at a stand still on who came out on top regarding your child's religion.

Agent was Muslim.

Whereas you were Christian.

And you both held strong on your religion. But with having children it became difficult because both religions knew it was a sin to worship two masters.

Upon bathing your child, Agent was in the doorway taking up most of the conversation.

" My family have very strong values, and they would want our child to have that too-

" So my family doesn't? My family literally thinks that Islam is a false religion, but they still accept you guys."

You took your child into a towel, bumping Agent out of your way.

" Move."

" Excuse you."

He followed you into the room, watching as your backside jiggle with every movement.

" Why is this so upsetting to you A? I told you let our baby get old enough to be able to decide for himself what he wants his religion to be but your family is putting so much on me."

" Christians have been known to be very...condescending."

" Are you serious?"

" They always act like they are better than you. And than try and hide their hands-

" Ok, I'm done here. My family isn't like that."

" Hm, I guess you didn't meet your grandfather." Agent mumbled.

You wanted to say something but it'll only make things worse.

Your grandfather was the type, if he had nothing nice to say he didn't say it at all. And he was really the one that didn't want you two to marry because you two were so different.

But he kept his peace and allowed it and still loved you and the child.

But you were upset with Agent. Because he made it clear that he will always love you and accept your religion just like you did. And although it was against yours, you still attended prayers with him. Standing on the sidelines and just watching that part of his life. Basically supporting him and not telling your family anything to keep tension down.

But now you see how selfish Agent was being.

You tried to cool it by suggesting letting the baby decide once he got older, but Agent argued it down, stating that it was unnecessary and that the parents need to decide.

" Is this what our marriage is going to be like? Fighting over who has reign over our sons life when it comes to his religion?"

" You're being difficult." Agent simply said, before leaving the room.

You wanted to cry because the understanding Agent wouldn't be on your hip about this subject, but because his family wants to be so involved and refuse to let the baby grow and have its own say so, it is causing a rift in the marriage.


Once the baby was down and you showered you knew you needed time away from Agent before you said something out of your comfort zone.

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