Nothing left

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  " There goes your man."

The corner of your lip curved up into a snarl as you watched your ex Din walk out into the pool area. A mutual friend of yours, who so happens to also know your ex was hosting a pool party in honor of his deceased loved one.

" We broke up." You stated, taking a sip of your Pepsi that went flat.

" And I'm just now knowing about this?" Kia, your best friend of five years asked.

" It was nothing to really tell. You saw how distant we were. I just decided to break it off."

Kia wasn't with the lying. She knew you better than alot of folks and didn't understand how you were so quick to let Din go when you two seemed so in love.

" What did he do, y/n? And don't lie."

" He lied about where he was going two Fridays ago. I saw on someone's live that he was at a hibachi spot and he and I were suppose go out on our date."

" Again?" Kia asked, referring to the many times he's lied to you in the past about his whereabouts.

" He has other things to worry about. I texted him that same night and I told him I was unhappy. I blocked him after that."

You tried not to look his way, which you did on the slick for the tenth time. He caught your side eyed gaze and you quickly took your eyes off of him.

" So, how's you and Duke?"

" He ain't coming, he want me to see him later on tonight." Kia said, picking her nails and looking down.

" Stop letting that man have you anyway he wants you. He ain't ever gonna take you serious." You spoke.

" The dick is good enough to not listen to that."

You rolled your eyes, gesturing towards Kia that you were going to get something out of the kitchen inside of the home.

You walked a good distance from the table you were sitting at before you reached the back of the home and going inside of its kitchen.

A feeling of hunger wasn't really recognizable as you just took out another cold pepsi from one of the coolers.

Trying to focus more on having fun, you gave your head a nod to the beat of the music.

' I never knew there was a love like this before.
  Never had someone to show me a like this before-

" Ahh!"

The sudden scream was barely heard above the music. A set of eyes landed on your startled frame, as he closed the back door to cut off some the loud music and party people outside.

" Hey, Y/n."

" What do you need Agent?"

Dins jaw tightened. Yes, he went by Agent amongst alot of people but, to you, he preferred for you to call him by his government.

" You was serious about not being with me. Not answering my calls, you blocked me!"

" The message ain't clear enough for you? It's sad that you prioritized alot of shit and put your relationship on the back burner like some old fucking grease in a pot."

" I said I was sorry-

" Sorry ain't gonna cut it."

Din stopped you from going outside. He didn't want you to think he was keeping you hostage, but he wanted answers and the only way he was going to get them was by keeping you in.

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