Dr. Muktar

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" This is actually my first time getting a massage. My friend said I felt a bit tense and recommended I come here."

The receptionist, a very nice woman, smiled once she heard it being your first time at that specific location.

" That's great, especially for new comers. We give you half off on everything here if you're new."

" Really? That's good because I have a budget and was hoping I would get some type of discount."

It grew silent with the acception of the lady smiling at you becoming very awkward for you both.

" I'm just kidding. So, um, I was told that my Masseuse will be Dr. Muktar?"

" Messuer,  he will be assisting you for your thirty minute session."

" A man? Muktar?"

" Yes, he's of Ethiopian descent that's why his name sounds that way."

Looking around you were impressed. The decor in the main room was very welcoming, laced with different type of plants and fragrances.

" I also noticed on this flyer that he is the owner?"

" Yes."

" And he does Massages?"

" Correct."

" No one else works here?"

" There's three other women, but he's the only man here."

" Hm, weird."

You seemed unsure about the place, but the receptionist gave you a reassuring smile.

" Ma'am, it's fine. Dr. Muktar has done this for many years now. He like to make people...happy, and has shown that to many of his clients. He has an outstanding review report and we stay booked. Others were just as worried as you but trust me, we have nothing but the best here."

You couldn't back down.

The appointment was already booked and paid for by your friend and you couldn't help but feel drawn into the atmosphere of the place. You sighed, feeling the tension in your shoulders. You needed a massage, it wasn't up for a debate.

Working at a law firm and sitting at your desk day in and day out was draining on your joints. Not to mention you were a mother to a two year old toddler that kept you up all hours of the day when you were off.

Granted, your mother hired a nanny for you some of the time out the week but you made sure to not put work too much on your plate to where it'll take time out of your motherly duties. But it was still so straining to your mind and body that you had no other choice. And having a man rub down those muscles would be very appreciated.

" So, do you want to cancel-

" No, you said 1pm tomorrow?"

" Mmm hm!" The lady said with enthusiasm. " Today he isn't in."

You twisted your lips and smiled.

" Ok, I'll be back tomorrow as promised."


  Tomorrow came faster then expected.

A typical morning where you would feed your son, put him in the bath and do a meal prep for dinner. Then the nanny would arrive to finish everything else before you got back home.

You would say goodbye to your kiddo before leaving for work.

But this wasn't work, this was time to unwind and relax.

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