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   " Niggas man."

  You sat at the bar, with a Vodka Cranberry in your hand. You weren't in the mood for anything. Not to even get drunk, just something to get the edge off. You still were heartbroken.

Just a week before the Christmas holiday, your boyfriend Chris, announced that he wasn't in love with you anymore. You later found out that he decided to get back with his baby's mother and took the engagement ring from you to give to her.

" Why are men like this? Love bate you and then fuck you over."

The barista just looked at you as she cleaned off the mess after a big rush. It was half empty in the bar and you looked around. People were with their significant others, enjoying Christmas eve night.

" You should really get a grip." The barista replied.

" Excuse me?"

" No offense but it's people with more problems than you. He left you for his baby mama, so? I was married for 10 years, gave that man four kids and the best years of my life. He decided to disappear with my sister and now they're getting married in Barbados and she's pregnant."

Your eyes widened with shock of the news.

" Now her kid is going to a sibling and an uncle to my kids."

" Can you agree that men ain't shit?"

" True. But don't look too deep in it, some of em will be who they are. But alot of em are good. You'll find someone."

You lost hope in that.

As your faith in men were almost non existant, the door opened. The tall, caramel skinned man with big brown doe eyes and locs walked in looking just as sick as you. Din was a long time friend of yours from Uni but you two lost touch when there was a misunderstanding about some feelings from the two and as a result, the friendship didn't work, but you two still said your hellos during passing.

" Can I have a beer?" Din said, digging in his trench coat for his wallet. " And two shots of vodka."

" I thought I was the only one that was going through some. Hey, Din."

" Hey, Y/n. Chris broke up with you?"

" To be with his baby mama. I guess I saw that coming when he cheated on me twice with her in the past." You said, taking the last sip of your drink before asking for another one.

" And you picked him over me." Din threw the shot back and squinted his entire face as the vodka burned his throat.

" Dont get bitter. What happened to the love of your life?"

" It just didn't work, she wanted me to spend all this money on her. Than when I refused to upgrade her car after the third time, she didn't want to be with me. I agreed. I was actually starting to love her though."

You shrugged, it was a no Brainer when it came to you and Din not keeping relationships. You never understood why though.

" Women can be 'Ain't shit' as well." You shrugged, sipping your drink.

" what are the odds of us meeting here? Us both going through shit." You said.

" Coincidence?" He looked to be hopeful.

" Yeah, I dont- I don't think so. You are someone I seriously can't get away from. You know all of our hang out spots."

Dins face split into a smile as the realization of your delusion was evident in the pours of your drunken eyes.

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