Mamas Boyfriend

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  From what you knew about your mother, from a very early age to now 21 years old is that she got around.

She had more rings than a NBA player and she never settled.

When you were 18 and got a rich boyfriend your mother decided to be selfish and sleep with him and now your relationship was strained and suffocating whenever you were around her.

But as of lately, she's been wanting your attention. Guessing that she's found a new man and wanted to fool that man into thinking you two were a big happy family.

And that's exactly what she wanted.

" I don't want us to fight, and he's big on family." Your mother said the night before you decided to drive to her home.

Your nose flared as you just sat in the front. She was your mom you still loved her but she wasn't someone to be close with at times.

You got out the car, strutting your way to the home and knocking, all for your mother to take ten minutes just to answer it.

" Common sense would tell you to let me know before hand that you were still putting on your face. It's hot out there." You whined.

" I'm sorry baby, he's gonna be here soon." She rushed towards the kitchen.

She was still beautiful, she put the y in youth. But you couldn't stand her, you didn't know how anyone could. But guessing she likes to put on this good woman disguise no one would think twice about her being who she is in real life.

You looked around your childhood home, the same home you made memories in and the same home your grandparents died in. The grandparents that raised you. You missed them.

" So, who is this one now? A lawyer? A doctor? OH! Another scammer? Those use to give me money everytime." You said, sipping on a cold soda out the fridge.

Your mom giggled.

" No, hes an internet influencer."

" Oh, another rich one? My boyfriend was one of those before my whole of a mother slept with him."

" You're still on that? I thought we moved past that."

The lack of empathy and unawareness was something that grew on you about your mom.

" So beautiful yet such a bitch. "

" How do I look?" Your mother did a 360 and you just shrugged.

" You look good, I'll give it to you. But, you never looked this nervous or asked me my opinion on anything about what you wear before."

" Cause, I think he's the one." She smiled proudly. " I'm getting older and I want something fresh and long lasting."

" Fresh and long last- how old is this man Veronica?"

" He's 28."

Your mouth fell open. Never have your mom had anyone under 35 besides your ex. She was literally 41 years old and being a cradle robber.

" You're sick!"

" He's very mature!"

" You're really a piece of shit-

The doorbell rang.

The two of you looked at each other and Veronica strutted towards the door without saying anything else.

She opened it pouncing on the man before he can even enter the house. It was clear he was young but the man was a nice sturdy one. Dark locs with a fitted cap, black tshirt, some jeans and some Jordan's. Very casual, didn't look rich at all. Probably a very humble guy, and those were the guys your mother seems to always prey upon.

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