Bestfriends man

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The devastation on everyone's face was noticed by the nurse that was tending to your best friend and the baby.

Agent looking distraught and your best friend just told him some devastating news. You had a hard time keeping your tears in your eyes as you felt so sorry for him.


A day prior

Disgusted wasn't even the word you had for yourself when it came to your best friend Monica.

She was self centered, always needed a hand with something but one thing she was good at...was scooping up good men and ruining them.

....and that's exactly what she was doing.

She was almost 9 months pregnant. Her and her boyfriend Agent felt good about the fact that they were going to be parents. A little scared at first, but they had everything together and he moved her in his home.

They had baby names picked out, and a nursery and you was so excited for them. Mostly your friend because she was now settling down and getting rid of her old you thought.

You felt like it was a kick to your stomach when she revealed to you, that Agent wasn't the father.

" I've been dealing with someone while we were together. I slept with my ex the entire time." She scooped ice cream into her mouth, looking as though she could care less.

" If you werent pregnant right now I would whoop your ass!"

" Why are you upset! At least I feel bad-

" Monica. If that man finds out that he is not that child's father after you strung him along all these months and have him thinking that that's his baby inside of you he might fucking kill you!" You yelled.

Monica put her head in her hands out of frustration.

" I was horny. He's always gone to Atlanta. We literally had sex one time, and around that time I was already pregnant. You're my best friend! Why are you defending him?"

" Don't gaslight me. You maybe my best friend, but you are wrong. You are lucky, to get good men! Which is fucking rare because we're living in a sassy man apocalypse! And you find someone that's all about you, religious, have his own shit together and you still fuck over him. What are you going to tell him when the baby gets here."

The bitch had the nerve to shrug and dig back into her ice cream.

" I'm not."

You stood up, pissed off that you knew that she was going to say that.

" Like hell you are. You are not about to make a dumbass out of that man, Mon."

She looked up at you, into your eyes as you folded your arms and looked down at her.

" So, you gonna tell on me?" She smirked, but when she saw that you were serious, she frowned.

" Are you seriously going to tell on me?"

" Either you do, or I will. And you know I will. I'm tired of taking care of you, lying for you, getting myself in some shit because you don't know how to keep your legs close and stick by your men. You're on your own this time. Get the fuck out my house, Monica."

You watched as she wanted to protest, mumbling under her breath as she grabbed her car keys and purse, wabbling her way out the door.

" You know what? I should've handed his nerdy ass to you when he was so busy flirting with me at that bar. But you act like you too good for anybody. I never wanted him, he got money."

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