Dr. Muktar Pt 2

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*** I held this pt off for long enough. Enjoy!***

" I can show you better than I can tell you. "

Was the last thing you heard from Dr. Muktar before you decided to invite him to your home for a private massage therapy session.

It was crucial for you to get him alone, so you could have him all to yourself. But with all the flirting, casual dates and pictures transferred, it was about time for you two to finally meet in the bedroom.

But you wanted a massage. You wanted to make it seem like you were getting a massage before you swooped in for the kill.

He didn't know it yet, but he was sure to find out because as sure as shit stank his beautiful BMW was parked right in your drive way.

Goose bumps went up your arms, you looked around the home making sure everything was in its respectable places and no stone was unturned. You wanted the night to be special cause you really liked him.

You had on the whole naked under the silk robe thing going on since you two were fully aware of it being a fully naked and full body experience.

You had on your favorite body wash and body scrub that had you smelling like candy. Your hair was in a perfect slick bun, and to top it off you had the perfect bikini wax.

Everything gave S.E.X and that was the word you were going for.

You opened the door.

He looked good yet casual.

His locs were freshly done hanging down and he smelled great.

" Hey." You greeted, going in for a hug.

His arms wrapped around your waist securely, a glimpse of your plump soft ass and the smell of your scent.

He let go of you, admiring your natural beauty.

" You smell good."

" So do you. Come on, I got everything already set up back there."

You showed him to the back where you had it layed out like it would be at his shop. It was beautiful, and the LED lighting out an extra razzle dazzle to the whole look.

You replaced your blankets with fresh linen with a fresh towel placed right in the middle of the bed.

" I'm impressed you took a page out of my book I see."

" Yeah, tried to get you in a space where you are most familiar with. Are you thirsty? I can-

" No. Beautiful I'm fine."

You two looked at each other and Din was more interested in you taking off your robe to get started.

" Oh! Yeah, right. The um, the robe."

You let the silk slide off your arms, exposing your beautiful brown skin and body. You were pressure for sure and as you turned your back Din had to keep himself from getting stiff as you crawled slowly onto the bed.

" Now, I bought some of your oils. I've noticed you liked using your own products. "

Dins eyebrows raised in satisfaction of your answer.

" Where should I start?"

" Well! Since you asked, I would love for you to get my legs first. The calfs especially cause man I've been walking all week."

You relaxed as his strong hands hit the spots you wanted.


" Hm?"

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