Sneaky Link

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You walked in from your hot shower finding your Affair partner holding your phone whilst looking at you.

" You ain't divorcing him are you?"

You sighed knowing damn well that you only told him that to keep him around.

That him was Din Muktar, a colleague from a Law Firm You were employed at for six years.

You two started out as friends, and it soon blossomed into a sexual affair.

You made it known that you were married and it'll only be sex between the two of you since your marriage was a bit unstable at the moment.

Unfortunately, Din was starting to grow feelings. Making you feel guilty for linking with him and not sparing him when it came to how he felt about you.

You two would get a hotel room every Saturday and Sunday to carry on your affair.

You sighed, with the guilt now turning into frustration as you could've sworn you told this man that you two were only having sex.

" Din, I'm married. Why do you keep fooling with me if you know I won't leave my husband."

The smirk that escaped his lips almost pissed you off. Because you knew he didn't take that serious.

" You told me this man has cheated on you, countless of times. Had an outside baby on you and you telling me you don't want a divorce?"

" It's too soon, Din. I want one I do but...this man is financing my entire life besides what my job is doing for me."

" So, you're waiting until he dies to collect a check?"

You didn't know why Din was so upset about the ongoing affair you chose to have with him knowing you were married. He didn't outright say he was upset about the affair, but you assumed he was because he seemed to be obviously wasting his time with you when he could be enjoying his single life.

You sat on your shared bed, opening up a bottle of lotion.

" You're not gonna answer me?"

" It's pointless, Din." You simply said, spreading the vanilla and honey scented lotion onto your skin.

" Nothings pointless when it comes to love baby."

You almost cried.

You couldn't keep lying to yourself.

You did fall in love in with Din, one of the reasons why you didn't stop the affair before it even started.

Din moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and putting his chin onto your shoulder.

" Divorce him before he finds out about the affair. If he doesn't know, he can't put a case on you and I know you have receipts of his cheating." Din informed you.

Your husband was too powerful. Even though you thought of that countless of times, you knew your husband had a history of paying off people for his own gain.

" There's nothing tying you down to him. You have no kids with him, and I know you feel a way about me like I do about you."

" That man isn't gonna give me anything, but a reason why I should stay. We're better off doing...this."

Din kissed your exposed shoulder, then your neck and trailed his tongue at the lobe of your ear.

His love was unmatched. Not even your sex craved husband was topping him.

" In the meantime, I'll make you forget him."

Another for the road, wouldn't hurt.


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