The Threesome

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"I'm trying to spice up my love life."

The day you had was simple.

You ate a bowl of fruit for breakfast.

Went for a jog to get your mind off of a million and one things at work.

And then, you would get on the phone with your best friend of ten years Megan. Talking about things from Politics to social media.

But one thing you always knew about Megan. Was that she was all about her men.

Whether they were dating or simply fucking, she hated sharing and she was always going ten toes for her men.

So when Megan asked you the million dollar question, it almost made you rethink your friendship.

Megan, has expressed that her and her man of two years have been...distant. So much so, that they didn't even buy each other's Christmas gifts or anything for each other's birthday.

" Megan you cheated on him. How do you think he's suppose to feel."

...and that was the reason.

Megan, being the girl who always needed the spotlight on her, all her boyfriend had to say was that he was leaving Atlanta for two days for a business trip and she was right onto the next man.

You didn't blame Din, her boyfriend, for wanting to leave her. But Megan has said that he didn't want to break up, just give him some space and they'll be back in good graces with each other. But Megan was too needy and this would probably make or break the pair. Cause she didn't know how to be patient.

" I know, I fucked up so bad. But maybe a threesome would help us. What do you say best friend?"

" Does Din know anything about this?"

The line went a little stale and that was all you needed to know. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

" No, Megan."

" Why the hell not, Y/n?"

" It's not healthy. And you will be bringing more problems than solutions and threesomes are only good for those who are in an already open relationship. "

" I really want this. And if he says yes, are you down for it?"

The heavy sigh gave it away.

" If he says yes, than...yeah. I'll do it."

Megan, smiled with glee.

You loved Megan, and Din seemed good for her. You didn't want their relationship to crumble, but hopefully this was what the couple wanted if Din said yes. You werent a drama person, you didn't even like when Megan talked about her relationship to you because if feels as though you were in the relationship with her. But anything foe your best friend, right?


" Is that her?" Asked Din, as he heard the doorbell sound.

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