The roommate

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" What do you mean there's no more space in the girls dorm? I literally enrolled before the school year was even over."

The chancellor Mrs. Freeman looked on at you with regret as she just told you some news.

" They all filled up so fast that we forgot that we gave your room to the last-

" So, what am I going to tell my parents? I can't go back home right now."

" Well, you can always do school from home-

" Mrs. Freeman, you're not listening to me. I can't go back home."

" Let me finish."

You sighed heavily, leaning back in your seat as you looked off to the side to keep from looking at the darker skinned woman who wore very thick glasses and was very skinny.

" We don't have anymore room on the women's side but...we do offer a room on the gentleman's side."

Your eyebrows knitted together as confusion etched on your features.

" Is that even legal? A girl, on the boys side?"

" It won't be the first time we've done this. Of course you will have a roommate, and he's pretty...OK."

You had no choice. Your parents were heavy on you leaving their home, just so they can rent out your room, and by time you were done with college they figured you will have your life together by then.

You were always the top of your classes and to hear that your spot that you put in for was literally given away and not discussed with you prior to you starting school was just so irresponsible of the university.

" His name is Din, and um...he's very smart, he stays to himself and he shouldn't be a problem." Mrs. Freeman smiled.

" Is he expecting me?" You asked.

" He knows he's getting a roommate but not a...female."

You sighed again.

The only thing you could do was accept what you were given. You were in your last year of college, and you had no other choice.


Upon arrival, you opened the door. Immediately. Being greeted with the back of someone.

He turned, noticing you come in and sit your things down on the bed.

" Hey, I'm Agent." He greeted.

" Hey."

The stranger looked around, the awkwardness of the silence coming from you was unnoticed by you.

" I didn't get your name."

" I don't remember giving it to you." You shrugged.

Yeah. He figured you were going to be a problem.

He smirked, not taking your comment to heart as he was too busy on his game.

" We're going to be roommates, you need to not be an asshole. What's your name?"

You sighed.

" I'm y/n. I wasn't supposed to be here-

" Well, you're here now. Get comfortable."

He kept the room clean and you appreciated how he wasn't a slob and kept his things on his side.

You were a person of observation and upon looking at him you've noticed he was pretty intimidating looking just sitting there, he was a big guy. He was nice though.

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