The closet pt 2

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   As REQUESTED! Enjoy lovelies 😘 

* I am also going to interlude the conversations like they do in the movies, from Agent to the reader type shit*

" I been wantin ta get this off my chest, and to be honest bro I don't think I have no body else to vent to about this specific subject."

Duke leaned back in his chair, with Agent watching him figure out exactly how he was about to say what was on his mind.

Agent felt good that Duke can come to him about anything.

" Is that Krispy creme donuts?" Agent asked, completely off topic.

" Bro, focus." Duke chuckled. " I finally broke my celibacy. "

Agents eyes looked surprised.

It's been a year since Dukes celibacy, and Agent was surprised that he had it in him to end it.

" Wow, that had to be-

" Trash. It was trash bro." Dukes face holding a concerned yet unsatisfied look.

" I was going to say that had to be powerful."

" It was fucking trash bra."

" That's so disappointing. " Agent chuckled.

Duke further explained why that was.

No disrespect to the girl, although it was probably still fucked up, he just wasnt feeling it. He also went on to say that hes the type of guy to let the girl get hers first, but it was still not good.

Agent had to witness his friend go through three different phases of grief. He just knew, that same girl was somewhere, watching that stream, punching the air.

But he had to be honest.

" And it's some else dats been botherin me for a while nah."

" There's more?" Agent asked.

" This is about chu now nigga."

Agents eyebrows knitted together, with his lips balled up in his teeth trying to understand what Duke was getting at.

" And be fucking honest nigga." Duke looked at his friend sternly.

" Have you and Y/n been fucking?"

" Bitch no! Me and Agent didn't do a damn thing." You lied.

But your best friend since preschool knew that not to be true. Her lips curled up in a judgemental state and her eyes looking at you up and down.

" I find that to be a lie, y/n. Ever since you left the AMP house your ass been glowing, you been sneaking off to the bathroom. Giggling at your phone. Mind you, you haven't had sex in four months."

What could you say to that? You're lying? Pat knew you weren't getting passed her and it was bad enough that you was keeping up that lie.

" It's Agent isn't it?"

" What happened in that closet, man?"

Agent had to come up with something, and something quick. Because one wrong move and he was going to potentially air his shit out regarding you and him to the media.

" What happened was that you fuckers locked y/n and I in it. She put on her airpods and we haven't really said nothing to each other."

Duke cut his eyes at his friend that he called a brother.

" Hol up, lemme cut this shit off."

After powering down his system, Duke looked down at Agent who was now more alert and vulnerable.

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