Professor Muktar pt 3

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" And now, as we close out our day, please give a hand to our Valedictorian Y/n Y/L/N, who will be giving her speech to our graduates."

Your smile radiated the room.

The crowd applauded with excitement as you made your way to the podium stealing a glance at Professor Muktar, who was wearing his Academic Regalia with the traditional college school colors along with his other colleagues.

He was glaring right at you, with a calculator glare and his lips turned up into a smile.

You walked to the podium a little faster.

" Thank you! As we end the day on a beautiful note I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who had seen my strengths and weaknesses head on in the beginning of all of this. Ive had my moments of doubt, but with hard work, dedication and a great support system from my Professors and the student body I stood strong and made my mark. Just like all of you. At times, God gives up obstacles to see how strong we are, and once we show whoever doubted us, even ourselves that we can do something God will always have a plan for us in the end. And as we take that first step into our journey from here, let's all remember who was there for us when we were pushed, looked down upon and.....manipulated....."

That last part was a shot at Professor Muktar.

"....and give them thanks for never losing hope. I hope you all have a blessed day and a wondering life."

Screams and applauds filled the Stadium.

" Everyone, please give it up for our graduating class of 2024!"


You followed the trail towards Dins classroom. The school was still open to everyone. Your beautiful burgundy and white gown flowing with every step, and your stiletto red bottoms hitting the tile floors.

Once inside of the classroom, you had a look of dissatisfaction on your face. Din was going to get his. You didn't have time nor the patience for him to fight you on it.

" Can we make this quick I have to leave soon."

Din stopped what he was doing and gave you a gesture that he needed you there to talk.

It's been a while since he seen or heard from you after your fight over text. You cut communication with Kayla, and you needed to know why he wanted to talk after you cut him like a knife after confronting him about your friend.

" I wanted to say I'm sorry." He held up a big bouquet of fresh red roses. Every red rose wrapped in 50 dollar bills.

As tempting as it seemed, you refrained from taking it. Flaring your nose up at him wondering why he was trying you.

" Din look-

" No, Y/n. You didn't deserve that. I fucked up."

" My best friend Din? You've taught both of us and knew that we were both best friends. You fucked up when that bitch told me you got her pregnant!" You retorted back.

Din had nothing really to say to that. Although, he did but it wouldn't have mattered because you were pissed.

" Din I- I can't keep doing this."

" Why don't you want me, y/n?"

" Because we aren't compatible. Maybe sexual, but you ain't shit. Now, that I've graduated and I'll be moving soon me and my baby won't need you."

" Baby?"

You didn't want it to be like this, and you didn't want to tell him on the day of your big moment. But, unfortunately you were moving back to your hometown and before you had to do that you needed a regular three month check up. Your doctor confirmed your pregnancy, being only two months you knew why your body kept rejecting almost everything you ate.

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