Professor Muktar

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" We're going to pick back up on the Linear Algebraic groups and I'll be handing out graded tests at the end of this week!"

Din Muktar, goes by Professor Muktar amongst his colleagues and students took one glance at you as the rest of the class was heading out.

It was your last year, you were so close to passing all of your classes with straight A's and was hoping that the previous test had a decent score, or you were going to otherwise have to repeat the semester.

A tan brown beauty, with brains and class was always the sight of the Professors eye and you knew it to.

" Miss Yln, can you stay behind I need to talk to you about your grade."

Major Williams, one of the college seniors in most of your classes and someone everyone flocked to, blocked your path.

" You never texted me back."

" I didn't have a reason too, you played in my face when you ditched me at the diner the other night."

" That was an accident. My mama was sick." He shrugged.

" Didn't you say your grandma was in the hospital?"

You caught him in his lie. The tall muscular specimens nostrils flared as he knew he lost another chance with you.

" Hey, Mr. Williams? Do you have somewhere to be?" Muktar interrupted.

" Yeah, but-

" I advise you to get there. This ain't a block party let her get by."

As big and burley Major was, he had a bit of fear when it came to Pro. Muktar. Din stood on business and never let someone big or small step on his toes or bitch him around the campus, making him one of those teachers no one ever tried to cross.

His mouth piece was lethal and he had the most unsettling stare it was hard to look him in the eyes.

With one last look, Major left leaving you and Pro. Muktar alone.

Din watched as your legs moved like water down the base of the steps to his podium and desk set up. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

He looked down at you with a bit of softness in his eyes, but was more serious as they came. You swallowed the saliva in your throat. Whenever he needed you after class there was always something regarding your academic performance.

" You needed me?"

" Yes, I do." He sat in his swivel chair.

He looked right at you and then at a graded test that sat right on top of his desk.

" What do you think that is Miss yln?"

You shrugged.

" A students graded paper." Your voice was soft and timid.

" Not just anyone paper...but yours. And it happens to be the highest grade in the senior class."

You felt your heart jump, a smile spread across your face as did Dins .

" Congratulations. "

" Sir, you don't understand how bad I studied. I was afraid you would've had to fail me."

" I would only fail you if it was needed Miss yln. Sit down, let's talk. "

On your part, you felt as though Professor Muktar always had it out for you. Either he simply didn't like you and was plotting on your downfall or he wanted what was best for you and saw you as a star student.

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