The Elevator

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Could you believe it?

Alot of people go about their life not knowing, simply not visiting a doctor and ignoring signs. Lying to others that everything is OK and it wasn't.

This was the case for you.

It was terminal cancer and you had just about 4 months before your end.

It came so sudden.

You had a nose bleed, you passed out and found out from your doctor that you weren't going to live much longer.

All those years you spent going to school, perfecting your career, being there for everyone, being the people pleaser and where has that gotten you? Standing in front of an elevator with your phone in your hand trying to call relatives that weren't picking up their phones for you.

You held everything in, mentally preparing yourself for the sobbing mess you would be once you get home.

Thankfully, the elevator was empty when opened and you went inside and right before the doors closed an arm blocked it from closing.

A man about 6ft, husky build, with medium length thick dreads, caramel skin and nurse scrubs came into view. He looked to be getting off work.

You smiled politely at him, as he did the same to you. The door closing.

" What floor?" You asked.

" The ground floor."

You two had to be going the same way. The elevator was all the way at the top of the building which was on the 18th floor.

" How's your day going?" He asked.

" It's going. What about you? You seem to be pretty young to be working here."

" 28 years old is young but I feel old as hell." He spoke softly.

You looked at his name tag, Din?

" It's pronounced Dean."

You didn't even say anything, guessing everyone wondered the same as you.

Din heard sniffling on your end. You sniffed and sniffed, not able to contain the snot that kept dribbling out your nose and your tears that began to pour.

" Here." He pulled out a napkin from his empty lunch bag, you grabbed it and blew into it. Din was more curious as to why you were crying.

" Are you ok-

" Terminal Cancer! They said I only have a few months. No cure whatsoever. "

Dins spirits became gray as the horrible news from the stranger pearced through his ears.

" I'm so sorry."

" All the years I've spent being in school, suffering day and night to get my degree. My mom won't talk to me, my dad left when I was a baby. My own sister won't even speak to me. They all want a handout, money, rent! I just had a niece and my own sister didn't invite me to the baby shower and I still sent her gifts."

The elevator stopped at the 11th floor, letting someone on.

A minute later, that person was off and it was you and Din again.

" Hey," He touched your shoulder, making you look back as your eyes were red and watery " It's ok. If it makes you feel better, I'm having a fucked up day too."

You giggled.

" Your day can't be as fucked up as mine."

"'re right, it isn't. But I'm going through a divorce, I just found out my son isn't mine and...I could potentially lose my house."

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