Bite, Brat And Back

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Niall's pov

I'm lying 'ere on this hospital bed thinking about my baby and mate. I wanted to talk to them but they must be sleeping, I don't


I dialled Perrie's number and waited for her to pick it.



"Hi Perrie!How's Zayn doing?"

"Well I'm doing great eat too, Niall."

"Haha..seriously? Give Zayn phone, I wanna talk to him. "

" Hold on, hoe."
"Hello? "

" Hi baby!  How are ye doin'? "

" Oh, hi Niall. I'm doing good. How are you? Your knee, is it fine now?"

"I'm fine and my knee is also healing."

"So,  when are you coming back, everyone is missing you and Zacha- ouch!"

"You alright?"

"Yes, yes. It's Zachariah, I was feeding him and being a grumpy kid he is, he bit me. "

He laughed. It was so melodic... I almost got lost in it.

" - iall? Are you there?"

"Sorry babe. Yes, I'm here. I'll try to come as soon as possible, don't worry."

"It's been a long time without you. So, my heart started to miss you."

"I-I'm sorry."

"What for? "

" Turning you."

"I want to see you so badly n- ahh!  Zachariah Eric,  you need to stop taking out your anger on your father!"
I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"He's a good biter. Let's skype! "

" Okay. I'll tell Perrie."
With that the call ended.

I took out my laptop and waited for Perrie to come online.

Once I saw the green dot, I called them.

Perrie answered once again but with a crying Zayn behind her.

"Why are you crying baby." he kept on crying and snuffling

"Zach bit him too hard."

"Aww, baby  you'll heal soon." I said.

"How's your leg? " he asked again
" Stop worrying Zayn, it's alright!"

Zayn's pov

Zachariah was getting frustrated, he wanted to touch his father but he couldn't. He kept poking the screen as he gave answers to every question Niall had asked me.

Louis soon entered the room saying hi to Niall. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple.  "You have no idea how jealous I am, right now of you Louis."  Niall groaned and rubbed his hand on his face.

"Well in that case..."  Louis smirked and grabbed my hair,  smashing our lips together with force. I let out a groan and heard a growl.

After a moment Louis removed his grip from my hair and pulled back.  He took Zac from my lap and kissed his forehead. I looked back at  Niall, indeed his eyes were red.
"When I'll come back home, I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to get up the next day." Niall growled.

"Zayn! I need your help." Harry mumbled as he came inside.
"I'll talk to you later." I told Niall and he nodded and ended the call.

I got up and walked towards Harry, "Yes boo..  What is it?"

"C-Can you make me some pancakes?" he asked
"Of course, Harry."
I quickly made a batch of pancakes and gave it to Harry who was starving.

Liam came to me and handed me a glass of blood, the taste was revolting.  I blocked my nose with my fingers and drank the liquid as fast as I could. Once the glass was empty Liam kissed my forehead.  He gathered all the empty plates and walked back into the kitchen.

I sat with Harry and took in all his moves.
"It's not good to stare at people." Harry remarked

" shut up."

"Well I was thinking about getting a new tattoo. "

" Really..  But you already have so many tattoos.  I don't want yo' whole body to be inked! I like your skin tone."

"Oh you do?" Harry smirked


"Well... " he got up from his chair and sat on my lap." I like you skin tone too, when it is covered in love bites." he whispered seductively in my ear and began to grind his crotch against mine.

"Get a room you two!" Perrie said dangerously in my ear as she patted Zach on the back.  Harry got up from my lap immediately and glared at the blonde.

"Jesus, woman! How many times do I have to tell you that I AM NOT INTO GIRLS!" Harry screamed.  Zach began to cry loudly and bit on Perrie's shoulder.

"Hold your son, Malik. He is a brat and bites everyone like a dog. " As a payback Zach bit her again.  The scene was quite funny, but it was getting out of control.

I took Zachariah from Perrie's embrace and laid him on the dinning table.  He grabbed my hand and brought it to his mouth. Enough, I waited for him to bite it. When he did that, I grabbed his arm and bit it softly so that it hurts a bit but doesn't tear his skin.

He kept whaling and shrieking loudly everyone was watching him.
"Baby, I swear,  if you bite someone again. I'll bite you too and harder than this time."

"What do you think he is going to become? When he was in that Batcave for three weeks he-." Everybody turned to look at Liam who was starting at the wall.
"-used to kick a lot and now that he has come out of his den, he bites a lot"

" He will become anything but you." Louis snorted.

Everyone began to laugh as Liam rolled his eyes and mumbled

Zach had stopped crying and he was getting tired. I picked him up and laid him in his crib. His room was the expensive room in the whole house.  It had top class accessories to top class toys. We all made rules to open our shoes before going inside his room. We had set up a baby monitor near the crib.

"Is he asleep yet ?" Louis asked as all the boys entered the room.
"Yes, half asleep." I said and Zach opened his eyes and squeezed them close  again not before  letting out a small yawn.

I gently tucked him inside his blanket and closed the door of his room. I went to my room and laid down on the bed "How do you manage to do so much work?"  Liam asked as he began to rub my feet.

"I just do. "
" Well you are really strong then."

I let out a moan as Liam began to put pressure on my feet. I was very soothing.
"You like that?" He questioned,  I nodded.
"Well, I'm glad."
"Lay down with me?" I asked Liam and he climbed on bed beside me.

Soon someone barged in the room and yelled,
"Niall is coming back tomorrow."
"Great!  Now let me sleep. " I mumbled knowing that he had heard what I said.


Woah.. ZAYN totally slayed NAUGHTY BOY.


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