K i s s

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Zayn's pov 

When I woke up, I was feeling numb. I looked at Brad. My head was resting at his leg and he was cradling my baby.

"Where are we?" I asked.
"Boys are there fighting wolves who kidnapped your mate they went in that direction. Don't worry about Zach. I'll take him with me to your house that's the safest place." I nodded.
"But, if you loose my baby. I won't spare yours."  he gulped and nodded.

I ran in the direction I felt boys were. I saw two figures laying down on the ground. I went closer and saw Liam laying on Niall's lap.
"Hi baby." Niall smiled weakly
I was infuriated, "Shut up!" I scolded him and kissed Liam's temple.

"I'll be back later." I got up and went to find others.

When I got there the scene I saw was 
Louis and Harry were tied to the tree and Perrie was nowhere to be seen.  Martin was lying on floor.
I quickly opened the ropes by Louis and Harry were tied to the tree. 
"Hey, doll." Louis mumbled.
"Shut up!"
"Ah ha ha... Look boys! See, here comes their dark saviour." someone chuckled from the behind.

"Damn! You've got a sexy ass in reality." another wolf said.

"I'd love to see him beg in front of me, fuck.." first one added.

I turned around to see them holding Liam, Niall and Perrie.

"What is your problem?  Why don't you leave us alone?" I asked them

A tall guy with the blonde hair came closer and walked over to Niall.
"Because your mate has some useful power."
"I'm tired of this answer! What kind of power does he have?"
"He can time travel and he can make portals to go anywhere. His brain is stronger, sharper and faster than any advanced technology launched. He is abnormally stronger than all the supernaturals in this entire Universe.

He is a Xantræ.

His soul is the oldest thing in the world.  Too bad his powers and memories are sealed. But, don't worry. When we will open the seal his soul is going to submit to us. He will do anything we tell him. He will be our pet." he snickered and pressed knife against Niall's neck harder. 

"Take me instead. Leave them, please." I cried.

"You are a filthy piece of shit why would we want you?" he asked.

They threw Liam, Perrie and Brad on the ground and ran away with Niall.  I followed them but they abruptly stopped and turned around few men changed into wolves and began circling me. I attacked them and ripped one werewolf.  I couldn't handle so many wolves together alone. They grabbed me and tied me to a tree.  Then they laid Niall on the ground. They made a mandala type thing on the floor and begun to chant some mantras. It was difficult for me to understand what they were saying but it was something in Sanskrit. 

"Hey!  Stop it. Leave us, you bastards." one Wolf came and slapped me hard. 
He put a piece of cloth in my mouth.
They brought some red colored paint and made a big vertical line on Niall's forehead. 

Niall's skin turned paler and paler with every passing second. I couldn't do anything. 
They stopped their chanting and circled around Niall.  They were doing something with Niall.

They sprinkled water on Niall.  Nothing happened.

I was struggling to break free. Tears were falling from my eyes. 

Blonde werewolf, which I'm guessing is the leader of the pack, bit his wrist and poured the blood into Niall's mouth. 

After completing all the rituals they left Niall, where he was and walked towards me. 

"He will destroy everything, including you and your son!" he spat on me and walked away.

I kept making moving in order to set my self free. 

After a while I saw Niall moving.
"Niaahh!" I screamed to catch his attention.

He gazed at me for a while and his eyes turned orange.  His fangs were a lot bigger than the originally were. He was looking hideous. His skin cracking and chipping off. 

Within a second he was kneeling before me. He grabbed my arm an bit into it.
He removed the cloth from my mouth and pulled my hair tightly. 

"Niall, please.. Sn-ap out of it." he pulled away his mouth from my arm and bit my neck.

"Niall, ba-by. Stop. It hurts." I groaned out in pain.

He was scaring the crap out of me.  He kept drinking without stopping.
I pushed him with all force I hand in me.

"I'm sorry Niall." with that snapped his neck.

I knew he'd eventually get up and hunt me. I ran away from the site and found others. 
"Everyone! Hurry. You need to leave, take Martijn and Brad  with you as well. Keep my baby safe, is all I'm asking. Hide."
With that Perrie immediately teleported themselves somewhere.

I sighed and sat on the floor because I was tired. 

Then I sensed something behind me.  I didn't move until I felt their breath on my neck.
"Niall." I whispered.
I tilted my neck a bit to get a good look of his face.
Tears fell out of my eyes. 
"Don't do this to your family. Stop it."
He punched me in the head then grabbed my hair when I balanced myself.
He pulled me closer to him and ripped my shirt.

I was begging him to stop he scratched my back with his sharp nails as he, once again began to feed from me.

I kept pushing him but he wouldn't bugde.
"Stop!" I yelled

He pulled away and grabbed my neck and dragged me. Niall threw me somewhere with so much force. 

I cried out in pain as Niall plunged his sharp nails into my stomach and twisted his hand. 
He moved his hands and began to drink blood which was oozing out in a fast rate. 

When Niall was tired of drinking from one place he scratched my chest. 

He didn't care that I was begging him to stop. He kept drinking until  every drop of blood was almost finished with in my body. I felt paralyzed, numb, dead.

"Wake up.. Niall?"

I closed my eyes  laid down.
I guess this the goodbye.


Am I even alive?
Of course, Zayn you don't feel pain when you are dead.

Where is Niall? 

I get up fast and look around.  I wasn't lying on a bed or something, but I was lying in a cage.

Niall was lying on the floor beside me as well.   I went closer to him and waited for something to happen. 

I waited,




With that I kissed him..

Dear readers,
I'm really sorry for not updating regularly.  My exams were going on.
I'll try to update regularly.. 

P. S.  I love you guys X.



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