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Zayn's pov

"Get up ! You arse!" Someone screamed

"I fucking told you to wake him not to curse in the morning! One thing I really want to be true is the day when that little baby will curse at you. I can't fucking wait for that day!" Perrie shouted

"Good Morning ?" I said

"Oh... Hi !" Perrie squealed and hugged me

"Perrie just fucking listen to me .! Martin is coming today and I want this freak to be well hidden " Niall said

The smile I had on my face quickly vanished. There was a pain inside my heart.

"No he'll not hide !" Perrie shouted

"Then I'll make sure that he is well insulted " Niall sassed

Tears were pooling around the Corner of my eyes. I quickly wiped them and got up and went inside bathroom to take a shower.

While washing my body I extended my hand to find a soap but the thing I got hold of was air.

Great ! Now my soap is finished how am I gonna wash my body or hair now?

I came out of bathroom carefully not to slip. It was great night yesterday my little sunshine didn't disturb me that much .

"Thank you Zach for understanding my situation yesterday . I love you babe !" I said gently rubbing my tummy .

I felt a small kick and movement of him .

"Are you hungry ?" I asked my baby and he kicked in response "Well I'm also hungry. Let's make some food for your dads first and then for us " I sighed .

Niall's pov

"I'll do anything for five people in my life one for my baby boy and another for the boys. It doesn't matter if they love me or not, I'll always love them with my heart. I'll take a bullet for them and even let them drink my blood. I'll do anything to impress them. I know I'm a freak like Niall called me before. Hey ! Weren't boys talking about Niall's knee and its surgery. I wonder what happened. I'll do his work for him so that his knee doesn't hurt. " God I swear this boy is going to be the death of me !

Everytime I read his mind either he is thinking about Zach, boys or me . I'm tired of this Shit !

Zayn's pov

I made food for the boys and served them some blood .

Niall didn't turn up for the breakfast so I'll just take food for him upstairs in his room. His knee must be sore.

I knocked on the door and entered when Niall told me to come in .

"S-Sir, y-you didn't come for breakfast so brought you your food here." I told him and placed the food beside him on the table "And thi-is your blo-od" I stuttered .

"Sir do toy want me to do something for you like cleaning your room, laundry, your bathroom or something else. "

"No ! I'll do it myself I don't trust you "

"Ye-es Sir " I whispered and got out of the room and made some food for me and my baby.

"Finally baby let's eat the food "

I ate my food and went back to my room.

"Zaynieee" someone whispered in my ear I turned around and saw Liam behind me. He kissed on the cheek and lifted me up bridal style

"Oh My God ! Lili put me down I'm so heavy " I cried

"Nope "

We both entered Liam's room and he laid me on his bed.

"I thought we were going to my room " I said

"I wanted you to take some rest baby. I know you get tired but you still keep on working. That's not good for you and the baby. " Liam laid beside me and rubbed my stomach gently.

He got up and kissed my belly "I love you " he mumbled and Zach kicked

Liam looked up at me wide eyed and I returned him a small smile .

"D-Did he just ki-icked ?" I stuttered

I nodded

Zach kicked again and Liam kissed my stomach again. He laid down beside me and kissed me .

"I love you more than anything in this universe " I blushed at his remark .

I woke up after I don't know how much time.

" Hi babe " liam whispered and kissed me .

He moaned and pulled away.

"You look cute when you are asleep, like an angel. You are completely different from us. We are evil while you are so pure "

I smiled at his remark "But you are cute, my baby kicks when you hold me, you are perfect to me " and then I pecked him and looked away from him.

"C'mon Martin has come. He is desperate to meet you. I'm sure you'll like him"

We walked out of Liam's room. Well, technically I waddled towards the hall. There I saw a lad who was about my age.

"Hey Martin ! He is Zayn my boyfriend " my eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. Liam winked at me .

Martin came forward but I hid behind Liam.

"Hi Zayn, I'm Martin "

"Hello" I whispered

"You are so damn adorable !" Martin squealed

"Oie back off!" Liam joked

I looked in corner to see Niall with a red face I could literally see smoke coming out of his ears and his eyes were all red .

Martin was a friendly lad but everytime I would glance at Niall he would be glaring at me .

After the dinner when I was sitting in my room on a chair that I have borrowed from Louis, I heard a knock and then I opened the door.

I was pushed back on the side wall and then I was being kissed but I never expected that thing from this particular person never in wildest dreams I would've dreamed about this he pressed himself into me my baby kicked like maniac, he was excited.

He pulled away, when I opened my eyes he was already gone.

I fell on the ground crying hard. What did I ever do to get a life like this?

I feel horrible....



I need feedback guys ..


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