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Niall's pov

What Perrie said is still going on in my mind .

"Niall, we are going to the club . You coming ?" Louis asked

" Yeah sure "

"Cool, Now get ready  we are leaving in half an hour ."

"Couldn't you tell me before ?"

"I did "

"No , you didn't "

"Niall , I told you half an hour before going to the club and I think its enough time for a sexy vampire to get ready ."

"Yeah, whatever Louis. Now go away .!!" I ordered

It took me about 20 minutes to get ready.  

I went downstairs to meet all the boys.

" Yo boys ! Ready to go !?"I asked

"Yes" they all replied


We reached the  club an our ago, and the boys are totally wasted .

I had few pints but it wasn't enough so I had few shots.

"C'mon boys time to go back  "  I Mindlinked them

At home I saw Zayn cleaning all the mess ...

Zayn's pov

All the boys were absolutely drunk they were struggling to walk.

"Hellooo Zenieeee " Louis slurred and came forward .

I just stood at one place doin' nothing .

"Wannaaaa haaaaavvvve ssssooommme fvunnn .??"  Harry asked and forward

Ok ... I'm getting scared now. I started to back up  until my back  hit the wall ..

"Don't move !" Liam growled .

"S-stop-p. Ple-ase .." I squeezed my eyes shut .

Then I felt two pairs of hand moving up and down my chest .

"Wh-Hat Are Y-You doin' ??

"You'll seeeeeee. Zenieee  "  Louis slurred ..

"Please stop you are drunk .! PERRIE !!!! someone ..!! please stop. " I cried .



Love you guys !!!

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