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Zayn's pov

Hey everyone,

I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik and I'm 17years old. Well I'm what you call bad boy. Yeah Drugs, Alcohol, Fighting etc. etc. runs in my blood.

NAH..! just kidding.

I'm what you call a Nerd, a Faggot and so many other words you can't even imagine and I'm secretly gay.

It's Just because I'm what you call 'poor boy' who has no money to buy himself a proper meal. I work in Nandos, but they don't pay enough, so I live in my a small apartment two blocks away from School.

You see, My Dad died when I was only 13, and my Mom was very sick. I had no choice to earn money, to buy me mother medicines. She had brain tumor...

I had to struggle to Keep my mom happy, Though she never showed me a single sign of pain in her eyes. That wasn't enough, because she died too and left me alone in this Fucking world.Where no one loves me.

Well my school life is also not easy either. I face many problems though I'm a straight A student, But I have this Fucking Enemy ,Niall Horan. I hate him to the moon and back

I hate him 'cuz he's got everything I can even imagine. I mean he's got money, Parents to worry and care about him. His life is perfect.

He comes to school in his different cars everytime. He insults me the most , along with his friends.

Liam, Louis, and Harry. They are also very rich.Well, their style shows it. They also come in different cars everyday. Where as, I walk alone everywhere. I can't even afford a phone. Thanks, to all the funds my dad left me, atleast, I could buy me flat with it.

Well atleast Niall has got some friends unlike me with no friends. No one wants to be friends with poor boys.


Hello People...

this is my third story ....

Hope youlike the first chapter...


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