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Zayn's POV

It was all dark when I got up. I wanted answers. Answers to the questions which made my heart ache to an extreme.

I stood up and realized that it was Niall's room. I don't know what had happed before but I rushed out of his room  and knocked on Perrie's door.

She opened the door and I begin to cry on her shoulder.

"He doesn't love me!" I shreiked.

She just patted my back and held me close while I cried my heart out.

"Are you done, yet?" I heard a voice behind Perrie. I froze.

I looked towards the door and saw Niall holding Zachariah.

"Niall!" Perrie scolded him.

Perrie took Zach from Niall and gave him to me. I held him gently

"How can you be so cruel to such an innocent soul?" Perrie yelled at Niall.

Niall clenched his jaw in anger but said nothing.

" It was all your fault not his so you better accept things like a man or get out of this house" Perrie continued yelling at Niall

"Fine. Go to hell" Niall yelled and walked out of the room.

"I am sorry." I said while I struggled to hold my tears.

"No I was mad. Hand Zachariah to me and go find Niall" Perrie said to me.

I handed my son to her  and followed Niall' s scent. His scent was fading so I quicker my pace. Soon I stood at the entrance of a bar where his scent was the strongest.

I cut through the crowd to find Niall. First thing I saw was Niall chugging vodka from a bottle and the next he was kissing some random boy. My heart shattered badly and I died a million death. As if sensing someone's eyes on him he looked up and his eyes locked with mine.

His eyes widened and he pushed away the guy and started walking towards me.

"Zayn it was not how it looked..." He was saying something but my mind was numb I pushed him away and ran out of the door in a direction I didn't know.

I kept running while tears flowed down my eyes. I ran into a different part of the wood and suddenly darkness filled my eyes. I struggled to keep my eyes open but the sting in my head wouldn't help.

Last thing I heard was someone's familiar but different voice.

"Finally you are out of of way."

Niall's POV

I woke up to soft cries of Zach. I was sitting on a single couch meard my bed while Zayn was sprawled over my bed.

I didn't want him to wake up so I picked Zach up and walked out of the room. His cries stopped and I started pacing in the lawn.

Zach was now quiet and was doing his baby talk and pointing to random things.

After sometime Zach starting yawning so I decided to put him in the bed. I walked towards my room but my bed was empty.

I heard muffled noises from Perrie's room and made my way to her room.

Zayn was crying on her shoulder . Perrie noticed me snatched Zach away from me and yelled at me .

I was beyond angry. I hit the first club I saw and ordered a full vodka. Bitterness of vodka was soothing it was easing all the tension in my life . I thought about Zayn and my confused feeling s about him.

All of a sudden a bloke came and kisses me the bottle almost slipped out of my fingers. I tried pushing him away but my drunk state was not helping either.

I felt staring at me and then I smelled Zayn's unique mesmerizing scent. I looked up and saw his tear strained face and his eyes fill with hurt. Everything came into my brain. Zayn had misinterpreted everything. I walked towards him and tried to hold him.

"Zayn it was not how it looked..." I tried but he pushed me away and ran. I wasted no other moment and followed him.

He was quick and I was afraid that he might hurt himself because he was all new to this life.

I followed him but then he was out of my sight and his scent was all gone. I panicked and looked around but he was no where in sight.


Dun Dun Dun......

Something big is gonna happen.

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