Dare you

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Zayn's pov

"Oh my Gawd! This is sick!" I said

"It was Liam's Idea." Harry said

I glared at Louis,"Don't even ask me to go on a date again"

"But that isn't my fault!"

I took my baby who was all dressed up in a batman onesie, with a mask and cape.

Harry followed me to my room I laid Zachariah on my mattress. And removed his mask and cape.

"Now it's fine." I smiled at Harry. He smiled back at me and kissed my cheeks.

"You look pretty" I turned and glared at him

"I'm not a girl" I hissed at him

I laid Zach's head on my shoulder and patted his back.

"We just fed him" Harry told me. Then only Zach's stomach grumbled. I just laughed at Harry's expression. It were priceless. I went downstairs to Perrie and gave him Zachariah. "I'll bring some milk for him " I told her. She nodded her head.

Liam entered the kitchen and gave me a glass filled with blood and poured himself more too.

"I don't know how can you drink this. It is so metallic! I feel like puking after drinking it. " I admitted

"Babe, this is the only thing that has kept us going. We can't survive without it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we dragged you into this but we all fell in love with you. All of us, including Niall. Even though he won't admitt, such a kid he is." he said

"Few years ago, when I was in that school studying with you guys, I was afraid of you all. I hated you because I was jealous of y'all. You had your parents but what did I have? No-one. I was just a poor guy but now, I've everything I had ever dreamed off. I've you all!" I said caressing his cheek,"You guys are my everything!"

I slowly grabbed the glass filled with blood and drank it quickly in three big gulps snd cringed after I had finished. Liam hugged me from behind as I started to put Zach's milk into the bottle.

I gave the bottle to Perrie and sat in the carpet beside her, looking at my baby.

"He is so cute." Louis exclaimed

"Right." Everyone agreed

I smiled at my baby and caressed his cheek while he was drinking his milk.

"Um.. Perrie, can I talk to you. Alone." I asked

"Sure thing, hun." We walked out of our room she handed Zachariah to me, who was giggling.

"Perrie, can you tell me if Niall loves me or not! Because I can't handle the judgmental looks he gives me. I know I'm ugly and boys are stuck with me but, I love them all.  I love Niall. I don't even know why he hates me." I said while crying

" He doesn't hate you Zayn and you know that. Today, make some chicken wings and give them to Niall, then talk to him about you guys. Alright?" I nodded

I went to kitchen to prepare chicken wings for Niall. While I was preparing it, I heard Zach crying.  I put wings in oven and went to see if everything is fine. Louis was coming towards my direction. I took Zachariah from him and patted his back till he burped and eventually drifted of to sleep. Louis gave me kiss and I hand Zachariah to him. I went back to kitchen to see, chicken was ready.

I took it out from the oven and put it in a bowl. I took a plate and walked towards Niall's room.

I knocked the door. He opened it a while later. I went inside and put the chicken on his side table.

"This is for you ." I stated coldly. 

Well, I've decided that, I've had enough of his shit and I want sort it out today.

"So, Sit and eat." I told him

I came out of his room and waited till he finished the food.

I took the plate and the bowl from him. I went inside his room.

"What do you want ? " Niall snapped

"I wanna talk to you about us." I told him

He was about to get up but I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him.  He scowled, pushed my hand away and got up.

"Fag" he breathed out.

I immediately got up, turned him around and pushed him to the wall.

"Say it to my face, I dare you." I shot at him

He turned us around, "Don't show me your attitude, you little slut!" He gritted his teeth

"Right, that's what I am to you! After giving birth to your baby!" I said as my eyes brimmed with tears

"Come to the fucking point!" He shouted and pushed me against the wall tightly, again.

"Why don't you love me?" I cried. My knees gave up. I couldn't stand, if Niall wasn't holding me.

"Typical slut." He Snickers

"Why didn't you let me die, the day I gave birth to Zach? It would've been easier," I told him "-or killed me the day I saw you drinking from the person. "

He kept glaring at me and clenching his jaw having tight grip on my shoulders.

Suddenly, I was in a daze and my knees gave up. My breath hitched, heart stopped the moment I passed out ?


Yo guys! Tomorrow my  school are re-opening after winter break.

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