Blue Eyed Girl...

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Zayn's pov

Well its been a long time nobody has come to take me back home .

What if they don't come ?

What if I die ?

What if someone killed me ?

What if a vampire comes and kill me or worst change me.?

What if's ?????? these are the only things going through my mind that I didn't even notice that someone has come towards me .

I saw it was a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and pale face.

Pale face....... I cringed back into the tree, afraid about her being a vampire.

"Look at me, Sweetheart." Her voice so soothing.

I looked at her face, her blue eyes were like a ocean..

"So pure, Beautiful" she murmured

She kissed my temple and lead me to boys's mansion .

I followed her like a lost puppy ..

But, still, deep in my head I was freaking out ..


here you go..

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