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Explicit content..

Liam's pov

I really don't know what is happening. My whole family is in trouble and I can't do anything. I held my baby close to my chest and cried.

"Baby?" Louis came to me and stroked my cheek, "Open your eyes.. "

"We're so useless." I sobbed.
"We're not baby. Look at yourself! You are so strong." Louis then, called Brad who carried Zach out.

When they were out of the room Louis bit his arm and began to feed me.

I pushed his arm away from my mouth when I was full.

" You're getting better, Liam." Louis remarked and kissed me.
"They were right. I don't deserve you all."

He pushed me on the bed and climbed up on me with his small frame.
"Don't think about anything, Li." He whispered and closed my eyes.

"Everything will be alright." Harry said as he walked through the door.

"Niall is there with Zayn." Harry kissed my forehead and laid beside me.

"I'm full." I said as Harry was about to bite his arm.

He didn't listen and bit it and put it in my mouth.
"Shut up, Li. Just, drink."

Zayn's pov

When I kissed Niall he woke up...

He grabbed me by neck and pushed me back . His eyes were white now and his skin was glowing now. It was not pale.

His skin began to crack and sliver sparks were leaking out from the cracks.

Then suddenly the skin fell down as if he was a snake .

There was a new Niall standing before me. He had long dark brown hair, white eyes, long fangs with muscular body.

"Ni-all.." I whimper

He mumbled something. I couldn't understand it. The language was so foreign.

"What about your baby? Our little Zachariah." I closed my eyes as tears fell out.

"Open your eyes." he whispered.

I did exactly what I was told to do.

"Where is Zachariah?"
"With boys.. Hiding." I replied

He let go of me.

"Call him! I want to see him."

"I can't.. "

"Why can't you?"

Because I don't trust you.

" I can't."

"Yes.. Yes you can.!" Niall said.

"I ain't going to fall for your traps." I choked on my saliva.

"It's not a trap believe me."

"How can I trust you?" I asked

"Oh my.. Zayn!" Niall yelled and pulled me behind him.
I heard a choking sound and peeked above his shoulder to see a wolf with Niall's claws sinked deep into his neck.

"Do you trust me now?" he asked. I wanted to say no but nodded my head.

He turned around to face me. He hugged me and nuzzled his face in the nape of my neck kissing it softly.

This was disgusting! His hands were filled with blood.

I tried to push him away from me but he wouldn't move.
"You look so tempting right now. I can feast on your body."

It was unbelievable, how could he say such things?
What he just said did not suit his facade.
One could easily be fooled by his deceptive appearance. He looked so like an angel, almost god .

"Niall get off!" I said.
He ignored me as he still continued to kiss my neck.
"You are disgusting! Get off, you sick fuck." I yell.

"Baby, don't yell. I can hear you fine." He said as he backed off.

He pecked my lips once and then hugged me again.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. I was confused
"Yes." He purred and grabbed my crotch. I pushed his hand away.

"What the fuck are you doing? Stay away!" He didn't move. I don't know what to do.

My mind stopped working when my cheek began to sting.

I looked up at Niall with wide eyes.

"Swear at me one more time, I'll rip your fucking throat." he threatened.

My cheek was still burning. He just slapped me. I couldn't believe that.

He removed my clothes.

God. Not again.

He removed his pants.

Why does he always rape me?

He didn't do anything and just pushed himself inside me. My head snapped backwards. I can't take it.

Kill me.

"Little slut." he said.

This is not the Niall I used to know.

When he was satisfied. He threw me on the ground.

"Tell me, where is that runt?" I shook my head.

He spat on my face and punched me in the face.

"Wise bitch. Never trust anyone."

Suddenly, Niall began to shift. There stood a man, a well built shape-shifter.

Oh my god, oh my god.

He raped me. He is not my mate.

"I'll leave you here in this cell because you are going to die anyway."

He slit his arm a little and the blood oozed out.

Soon I felt like I haven't fed over a month.

I was hungry, irritated, and hurt. I wanted my mate with me.

With that walked out of the room.

Niall's pov

"Leave me! What do you want from me? I swear to god, if I get out of this cell. I will destroy your race." I was furious.

They raped my baby! Nobody touches what's mine.

" Sure, honey. Just lemme do few experiments on you and then I'll drop you off at your place. Let my men bring your son first. " he said and injected me with something.

They wanted my unknown powers. It's ridiculous. Even I don't know anything about them.

He puts a drip in my arm. Since I was not eating anything.

"We just want you for your powers, son."

"But that guy raped my mate! How can you let him do that?" I wanted to rip his body.

"I'll kill you motherfucker!"
"Not so fast baby."

The flash of Zayn with torn throat, blood filled mouth, his fangs lying beside his face on the ground flashed. He was naked, beaten and neck turned in an awkward direction. Was he,


I couldn't believe it.

"You are lying aren't you?" I said in a weak voice.

"I don't lie."

This can not happen!

I'm really sorry that you guys have to wait so much. I know that I promised to update but my schedule was very tight and I didn't have any time to update.

Again my finals have started, I'm so nervous. Wish me luck, chipmunks.

I love you guys,


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