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Niall's pov

We both headed outside secretly behind Zayn, he was walking towards the Nando's both Harry and I secretly sneaked in and sat on a table I saw him grabbing fifty dollars from the manager...and went inside the doors and out wearing a uniform ... And started to take orders ...

It was our turn now... He came towards us.. He looked bit shocked....

"He-Hey ...W-What are y-you doin' he-here.. ???" Zayn asked..

"Well I don't know  if you really are this dumb. or you act like one..." Harry said ...

"S-So-o-rry  .. Can I ta-take you-r  orders please ..??" He asked ...

"2 Peri-Peri chicken .." I said ...

"It will be soon out here ..." he smiled nervously...

Then he went back to do something ... After 15 minutes our food came and we ate it .. We paid for it and left a good tip 50 pounds...Yeah I know what are you thinking but I thought he needed it...

We went outside the shop we Waited for Three hours ... My bloodlust was taking over...

"Harry blood.." Was all I could say before I ran  to find someone ....

I saw a person walking down the street ... I ran vampire speed and bit her....

I was drinking her blood until I heard someone gasping ...

I quickly turned and saw it was Zayn ...!!! I cleaned my lips dumped the body ... And ran towards him and pinned him ... I saw a note of fifty pounds in his hand ...

"What are you doing here..??? " I asked ...

"M-My Shi-ft was o-over ... And y-you left it ..." he replied ...

I saw he was talking about 50 pounds...

"I didn't forget them ... it was a tip .." I said placing my neck in the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent.   ....

" W-What are Y-You...??" he asked ..

"Vampire " I said kissing his neck....

"Too bad now you know my secret .... I'll have to kidnap you...can I ...??" I shook his head.  

"Se how nice of a kidnapper I'm ... I ask before kidnapping..." he looked so terrified...

"C'mon..." Then I quickly threw him on ny shoulder and ran back home....


Hey lovelies...

How was it..??? enjoy...!!!

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