battle on Floor100 death of the summerlord

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We entered the door to the summer Lords Palace the Ruby Palace we were ready to fight the empress it was time we were already when Kirito had the bright idea to suggest me Asuna and a few others go against the summer Lord on our own while he has another run against Heathcliff seriously I told him you want to duel now yeah what's the problem with that he says to me there's a lot of things wrong with that Kirito first of all we're in the middle of a giant boss battle don't you want to at least try to fight this thing he does decide to fight it so we do Beat It but before that he says fine after this though you and me battle again Heathcliff if we're still stuck here very well Kirito all four of us run in start to fight the boss immediately it starts to regenerate damn it Kayaba I said I was beyond angry another boss that regenerates and this thing was beyond anything we fought before it's regeneration was so powerful it regenerated all 1 billion health yes this thing has 10 health bars with a 100 million in each oh you thought the Drake was powerful with 8 nah this thing has literally ten it would have been over for us if I wasn't there immediately run at the boss we can take it down I said to everyone let's do this we continue to fight eventually we dig it at low 500 million's health is left it was hard but we did get it low it took us 3 hours now keep going I said we continued on 5 hours later we finally had it down to a million it wasn't over yet we were still going to lose if we didn't Hurry Up This boss was starting to regain Health really quickly and then it did it Heavenly light a move this creature just used made it regenerate every single bit of its Health it is now back to a billion we'll be sitting here for hours more trying to take this thing down it continues to regenerate damn you Kayaba I said to myself it was time to fight some more this really was going to get annoying fast we continued on we eventually were able to get back down to 500 million and it regenerated once again now it's back to 800 million yeah this is really going to take a long time as I sat there thinking of what I could do I then thought all right it's time Abyss straga finally using my move my trump card that would allow me to win I finally got it down once again to 500 million using that skill a few times which believe it or not is you won't believe it a combo of 70 strikes this skill I own is the strongest in the whole entire game and yet it's a combo of 70 strikes you thought Kirito's Starburst stream was a lot nah Abyss straga is literally 70 kind of a crazy name by the way sounds like something a demon would have straga honestly but whatever I don't think it matters eventually we got it down to 300 million and of course you already know it just regenerated again now it's back up to exactly 700 million okay I was starting to get exhausted of this thing I was done with it I was just about to hack this thing out of existence cuz I honestly it was starting to piss me off how much this thing was regenerating isn't only supposed to regenerate twice I thought to myself wait did something change no it can't be I thought to myself even more what did I change I think going to code and realize oh infinite regenerations at certain points of Health oh great okay I'm just going to delete that code real quick no I'm not joking I deleted its code in no longer regenerates now we can finally beat this thing if it kept regenerating we all would have been dead most of us were in the red Asuna and Kirito we're both in yellow and I was almost in red in fact one more strike put me in red and I wasn't regenerating great I'm going to die I thought I immediately got struck by the boss's final attack which I only had 5 HP left killing me however I wasn't going to let myself die like that I immediately hacked myself an extra life oh yeah you probably wonder how I did that well I just hacked into my nerve gear once again and made it where I cannot die anymore when my HP hit zero I respond yeah it's kind of a cheat code but it's a last resort I had I had to do it this time I was trying to get a strike in when it hit me with its giant sword and you really can't maneuver in midair you get it now yeah so in other words I was able to hack into the nerve gear and keep it from frying my brain however my HP still was zero so I had exactly 7 minutes to beat this thing and regain my HP before I would die in real life so it was time to start I then used Abyss straga a few more times eventually killing this monster the words congratulation appeared on all our screens and everyone looked at me since I had zero HP I immediately started regenerating I was fine however we cut it close that took 6 minutes I only had one minute left before my nerve gear would fry my brain killing me instantly I regained my health though so I was fine that was terrifying I said to everyone what do you mean well I just died and well you know had to hack the nerve gear again yeah wow you can do that only mine I can't do anyone else's if I could I would stop you all from dying giving you infinite health or something but that's not a thing I can do even as my hacking skills have become even better now since being in this game it doesn't matter I still cannot hack infinite health or something to anyone by the way if you're wondering we did end up doing some leveling up back on our break so to be exact I was level 216 and everyone else was around a level 180 190 at most all right so hey guys are we about to leave everyone looked at me and said I don't know I don't know how this works we're supposed to beat the final boss and we're supposed to be out right yeah that's what Kayaba said remember don't tell me he lied to us I don't know Kirito says I kept looking around waiting for the light to let us out nothing was happening all right I'm ready to say it goodbye Kirito goodbye to all of you we're about to be let out really everyone says yep I said 3 2 1 nothing happened I've been sighing confusion what in the world is going on I scream damn it where are you kayaba let us out of your damn death game I said screaming at him wherever he is arc check the code Kirito tells me oh yeah it's a great idea I say we immediately then I checked the code all right so oh you got to be kidding me what is it Kirito says well it says beat the final boss on floor 100 you'll be let out of the game however there was something added before the game released a secret boss called YuEzo the chaos Lord what Kirito says yeah apparently the summer Lord what we just defeated apparently grew a monster on floor 1 to kill every single creature in the world to create a new kingdom that's what the code says it's a storyline in other words guys we have one boss left and this thing's the strongest in the entire game 8 billion Health across 13 health bars you're joking Arc no I'm not it literally says that right here okay that's just a load of BS I know I said any change the subject immediately hey Argo told me you can check people's nerve gear and find out the real names so tell me if that's true what's my name what you want me to tell you your real life name that's right arc okay your name is KazitoKirigaya his eyes then go wide realizing I know his real name Asuna,s she used her real first name what her name is Asuna really I'm not joking you want me to give you her full name so you can find her when we get out of here sure AsunaYuki asuna then comes over and ask what are we doing check it out she then looks and sees her name what are you doing how do you know that this is your real name is it not she looks at me like I'm crazy I tell her I hacked into the nerve gears and I now know every player in the game and then I say something that I'm going to regret but I already knew everyone's name to begin with they then look at me and realize what I said and then I recognize what I just said realize that I exposed something up guess the Secret's out what secret never mind I'll tell you some other time then they asked me to look up what heathcliff's name is real life and then I do so all right I'll show you how I do it so then I go into heathcliff's account and I look up his real life name and then I say it to myself akihiko kayaba oh I hope I'm wrong. wrong about what they asked me I then grab my sword and run at Heathcliff at lightning speed cracking into him with the sword however the sword bursts against an immortal object I can explain damn it I hate when I'm right I say to everyone what is the meaning of this Heathcliff Kirito says allow me to explain it's easy allow me to explain huh it's simple our dear Commander Heathcliff is akihiko kayaba the creator of the game you're joking nope not at all how else do you explain this this is an admin privilege right here well then I guess you have to kill me I don't think so I try to say but can you tell them interrupts me by hitting him in the field with the sword immediately I then back on both hold on let's talk about this guys I said I wanted to break up the fight cuz what happens next will cause a very bad thing hold on real quick he Heathcliff asked me how did you know it was me kayaba it's easy for one reason your account name you're under I am not he merely shuts me down realizing I already made a mistake I revealed too much and I start to laugh as I snap my fingers and freeze everyone in place well this was supposed to go a little different but I guess I can do it this way too what are you doing arc Kirito asked isn't it simple I'm about to beat this game I then immediately hacking into kayaba's system once once again and then I say out loud Cardinal system admin privileges player codename Arc GM mode now given to player known as Arc a system speaks female of course this is very simple now Kaiba you're no longer an admin try to use your Immortal object try to use any of your codes go ahead I'll wait I can't he says that's right I've stolen them they're mine now you really are something else Arc no Arthur yes I am I say to him and now that we're done with this hold on I have one question who are you Arthur oh you want to know who I am okay that's very simple allow me to explain everything I then Wonder should I tell them absolutely everything yep it's time I said. very simple who I am I am someone not from this time what your time traveler don't make I'm not kidding I am a time traveler allow me to explain what exactly what's going to happen in the future exactly 9 years after you we clear this game guess what happens what happens the downfall of the world and the destruction of all MMORPGs causing the downfall of MMOs and the downfall of the world in other words the future is shit it all hits the fan one day and there I am the only one in the world able to stop it I then come back in time through a place called alicization the underworld it was created a 5 years before the downfall of MMOs allowing me to go back in time and when I did I came back to the time right before the nerve gear was released exactly a month or two I think I became the first beta tester and the strongest player found some hacks online for myself to use and learn hacking when I learned hacking I then hack the nerve gear to let me keep my levels in other words you to become the most powerful player in the game you had to cheat exactly and to keep mostly everyone Alive Now what's going to happen right after we get out of this game is if I did not do any of this and beat the boss on floor 75 Kirito would have found out you were akihiko kayaba dual you and then you guys would have escaped one problem Asuna would have been trapped in another game called elfheim online or ALO she would have been trapped by a man named Sugo then you would have rescued her and everything would have fell out into place then something called GGO would happen bbo would happen as well you would deal with things that happened in this game a lot more you killed laughing coffin members and then laughing coughing would come after you again in another game causing a big Ruckus and then later on you would find out there was one left and his name was poh he would be in a place called alicization underworld you would be Frozen in Time from something called a Fleck light don't ask me what that's all about and then everything would go normal for a long time the AI of that game would come out into the real world and then everything would be nice for 5 years then the downfall would happen if we complete this game the downfall will never happen and certain other things will happen for one if we get out of here 300 players will be trapped in Lao but Asuna will not be one of them in other words someone else will and it could be any of us however Kirito and I of course will get out after that some people will not wake up however we'll deal with that so guess what's going to happen now I say to Heathcliff no to you Kayaba I say do you have any idea what I'm about to do now no I don't he says it's very simple here you go I'll tell you system command send player known as Heathcliff to aincrad prison oh you got to be kidding meeeeeeee as he disappears okay Arc tell me what's going on here it's fairly simple we just have to beat this game now that Heathcliff is gone you need a new leader Asuna system command promote Asuna to leader of knights of Blood Oath what Asuna then says I don't think I system command confirmed Asuna player will now be leader of knights of Blood Oath Guild all right so now she's the true clearer of all floors now we have one thing left to do that being Arc complete the game we decided to head back to floor one and tell everyone we're about to do this the game's about to end get ready to be teleported out however we decide the rest a few days ahead of time before we go we did just spend 7 hours up there fighting a boss on the 100th Floor we're tired beyond belief so yeah we're going to have a break and then we'll get up there so but that's a story for the next time also I keep my system commands.

DKK Okay guys yeah this was crazy honestly I loved every minute of writing this though and I hope you guys enjoyed this if you've already read this part well you skip the head you shouldn't be doing that I promise you you're missing a whole lot if you just skipped every single one just to get to this one cuz I had a cool name seriously don't do that I mean it I'm pointing my finger at you all right now don't be doing that I'm joking if you want to read this in any order you want you might as well there's just one problem you're going to lose a lot of details in the whole story there's a lot to it and if you want funniness you got to be reading the whole book cuz you're not going to understand mostly anything since this does not follow the Canon of original Sao at all and I'm not joking the only thing Cannon about it are the names and the floor names and what some of the bosses even look like other than that it is not canon in any way my for instance the elucidator the damage in the original it was only 700 to 710 I made it way more dark repulser also the same it was 680 to 700 I made it way stronger so now guys I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you on the next one the next episode is the final one of the Sao work so get ready episode 21 is the last one so here we go The Ark of Sao is almost done I have some great ideas for the Fairy dance Arc so let's get this going and see on the next one bye-bye

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